
Life is fair ! Do you agree and why?

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Most people do not agree that "life is fair" based on experience. But I have a faith that it should be ... I could not justify this to myself though. So, I need help from you who have great insight... Thanks in advance !




  1. Life is fair cause everybody has to die one day.

  2. Lif is unfair. My love loves me not. T_T

  3. Sometimes it is right, and other times it is grossly unjust and unfair.

  4. I don't have great insight, and we know that death is for all; accident and sickness are capricious and seem to have no connection whatsoever with one's sense of right and wrong.  Some celebrate by saying that they have been blest.  I don't try to spoil the feeling.

    The best that I have is the feeling that human life is for something.  This just seems to make sense to me, and for that I'm grateful.  There is as much chance that death doesn't end our existence, as there is for those who seem cetain of the opposite.   --  Jerry

  5. Life is fair to those who love to philosophize and it is unfair to those who face it on the street everyday.

  6. Life is fair.

    You only receive back as much as you put in.

  7. Life is unfair when unscrupulous human beings take advantage of their fellow brothers and sisters .

    Apart from that we have to accept that life is fair .. although so cruel sometimes .

  8. life is sooooo ***** ing unfair. if it was fair, we'd all be rich and famous.

  9. Thomas...I think life would not be just fair in one lifetime..

    If I have to jot down majority proofs since I realized pain and glory the space wouldn't be just enough to. The unjustifiable pains from misery and grief overwhelmingly exceed from glorifying events. In countless ways when something goes wrong with life in every creature's living, There could have been pending refuge to ease some matters in any ways. As to justify it that life isn't all that unfair eventually.

    However, I believe there were large numbers of injustices unsolved in just a lifetime too. As so various situations in life are only to be learned from those unexpected pain amd misery that those injustices brought into a being's life..

    Personally when I think of some others being of terrified innocent victims of such great misdeeds that haven't been filled even with the tiniest hope for justice. I tremble with sorrow. As I know it could be all possible to everybody..Like a situation of a young child just walking her way back home from school suddenly got raped and killed, then dumped elsewhere by another evil minded person. Sometimes the perpetrator had just fled to escape and the crime resulted unsolved or unjustified. By then, how can we justify that life could be as fair as it should in this lifetime. Yet even if that the crime was being solved. Will it be as sweeter as before to think that life is still just being fair? I also need another honest and fair justification for that Thomas..

    Maybe some other lives are just fair as they might think it is. They were so few indeed to hear or see those kinds. That how cautious that one has to be just to play it as fair as it should be. How so unfair that others who care less wouldn't be so..

    The anxiety just creeps and, many out there still lost in that wilderness. Hoping that life is still truly fair for us to live.

  10. yeah, i suppose it is. We are all delt different situations, where we live, who we know, ect. but we are all given the ability to love, cherish, respect, endure, committ, and make it in this world. You may not have been exposed to it as a child, but it doesn't mean it isn't in you.

    You already have the ability inside you to be happy and love and enjoy. Don't let the obsticles and hard ships take you down. endure, grow stronger, see it through the end.

    or at least thats what they tell me.

  11. When you're young life is fair.  As you get older, you realize that everything you were told was a lie.  Christmas (Santa), Easter (Bunny), God (no proof).  You love all of the little toys when you're young.  As you get older, you realize that these toys don't fall from the sky and we must work our *** off in order to get these useless items.  You'll fall in love like the storybook says, then divorce.  The lies and deception continue until you die.  You are told at a young age to be nice, all the while in the Real world, you have to stomp over everyone to get anywhere.  

  12. If by "fair" you mean that life will reward and punish according to man's laws, then most certainly life is not "fair." Life is far more rich and knowing than the shortsightedness of man's laws. Tolstoy had a character in War and Peace who said where there is law, there can be no justice.

    But if by "fair" you mean that nature is infinite and responsive to all of our efforts, and doesn't have an opinion for or against us to give advantage or disadvantage, then life is "fair."

    The spiritual or religious notion of karma, or what goes around comes around, supports the notion of fairness enforced mechanistically by the universe. Many believe in this. It is a matter of faith, but often requires extending it into past lives to make sense of it.

  13. Mortal life may not be fair but it is just.

    P.615 - §4 Although conscious and wholehearted identification with evil (sin) is the equivalent of nonexistence (annihilation), there must always intervene between the time of such personal identification with sin and the execution of the penalty--the automatic result of such a willful embrace of evil--a period of time of sufficient length to allow for such an adjudication of such an individual's universe status as will prove entirely satisfactory to all related universe personalities, and which will be so fair and just as to win the approval of the sinner himself.

  14. Life is equal opportunity on unfairness.

    Its not biased, sexist, classist, racist or anything-else-ist with it.

    Its just unfair to everyone.

    Hey if you looking at obsucure ways of dealing with the world try inverse-paranoia. Its fun - all you have to do is believe there is a secret conspiracy to help you succeed in life.

  15. Life may not always seem fair when you look at it from the narrow perspective of what we can see right now.  Someday, in the eternities, we will look back on this short mortal existance, and see the fairness of all of our experiences in life.  Compared to eternity, what we have to go through each day is just a dot in time.

    I believe too, that God is Just.  All things will work out in the end.  Those who seem to get away with things now only have a short time to enjoy themselves in the larger scheme of things, and those who deserved so much more, and never got it in this life, will receive it in the eternities.  I really do believe that mercy cannot rob justice, and justice cannot rob  mercy.  Their will always be a balance.  Even if that takes awhile to achieve it.

  16. To people who believe that life is fair, let me ask this: What about those starving kids in africa? What about people with life long illness? What about orphans? Did they do something bad?

    Do you honestly think this "You only receive back as much as you put in" can be applied here?  

  17. I think to answer this question you have to look at what is considered life, one of the responses said that life wasn't fair because murders don't get the eye for an eye punishment. but is that really answering the question of life? life is everything and all encompasing, not just societal ideals, and what is fair? I suppose someone would look at that in light of what bothers them and what makes them feal bad opposing to what makes them feel good. Life just is. You were born but you die, is it fair that you die? well, you have to take the mindset of a buddhist to see it that way, if someone stole some rice from a buddhist he would be pleased to have shared it since he cannot feel bad since he does not relate with that which is material or apply it's loss to his person. So to him life being taken away is fair and he is happy to do it because he is dying so another can be born. I guess it depends on your mindset, I did not answer it in a generalized way but I think the idea of life and death is the best way to go about it.  

  18. In my opinion the best way to look at your life is not in terms of "fairness". If one becomes so caught up in measuring how "fair" their life is then they will just end up hating themselves. The best way to imagine life is like a big board game. In the beginning of this board game every person rolls a dice to see who goes first. Going first, just like being born with good looks or intelligence may give you a head start in life, but it does not set in stone your ultimate future success. Moreover, the disadvantaged person who goes last may just as well beat out the advantaged person who goes first. If your not a fan of my board game analogy, what I am basically trying to say is, Life is just a game, and its not about who you are or what you are, its how you play the game!

  19. its fair cause its unfair to everyone, so in that sense, it gives everyone an equal amount of one lives a perfect life.

  20. Yes I agree; life is fair.

    We ourselves make our lives ourselves. We cannot have or let anyone else make it fair for us. Although we go through trials, and tribulations these times are negligible compared to all the good things we experience. If our lives ( particularly in the rich western nations) are unfair than it is undoubtedly due to our own making.

    Life is fair.  

  21. disagree--if it were true, then only murderers would die at their own hands, diseases would never kill children, and accidents would only kill cruel and evil people

  22. life is not fair and your faith is wrong.

    life is not fair because no two people are going to have the exact experiences day in and day out. societies 500 years in the future will much more privelidged than we are today. that only means that we got the disadvantage.

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