
Life...isn't always fare?

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My father died last tuesday..It was horrible... It is a difficult moment for me and my brother and my mother... Life isn't always fare...and now I'm sure it isn't.. But why This God of ours did not helped my father ? Why did God left him dieing? What was the reason that God stayed away? I guess that He wants me suffering.. I was never disappointed by Him as I am today!




  1. Everyone has their own fate and destiny,god didn't do anything...

  2. It's completely natural to feel angry and disappointed at God when somebody dies. I don't understand why people die when they do either. But it happens to everyone eventually. God is always there. Don't get angry at Him, rely on Him! He hasn't gone away and He doesn't want you to suffer, He's still there right with you, waiting to help you through this. God loves you! If you let Him, maybe He'll begin to help you understand. Nobody on the internet can do that.

    Life isn't always fair. It can be really difficult and really rough and at the moment you're in one of those nasty dark patches. But God never goes away, even when it seems like it. Truly!

    I'm praying for you. God Bless!

  3. I'm sorry to here that about your father.

  4. it was simply your father's time of passing. He's in a better p[lace now, and you'll join him eventually. People die, and you get over it in time, after you realize you haven't lost them forever, and they'll always be stored in your heart and memories.

  5. Im sorry to hear about your loss but everything that is born, dies.

    why This God of ours did not helped my father ?

    God may have been there to help your father although not in order to keep him alive on earth, but in order to take his hand so that he felt he had nothing to fear in dying.

    Why did God left him dieing?

    Perhaps your fathers body was not well enough to continue on, and you wouldnt want your father living in pain would you?

    What was the reason that God stayed away?

    God may not have stayed away, he may have been right there when your father needed him the most.

    I guess that He wants me suffering.

    Many people die each day and their families have to learn that this is just how the world works.  This is why Jesus asked his disciples to 'love one another'.

    I was never disappointed by Him as I am today!

    The people whom we are fond of cannot always stay here.  Sometimes they are too sick to continue on, other times they have a tragic accident and it cannot be helped.

    {My father died in May}

  6. Everyone in this world will die, that is a given.  When we will die, is

    what no one knows.......

    If you believe in an afterlife, that will help you.....your family now needs to be together, work this out and grieve together.  Your father is gone,

    I believe he is at Peace, I wish your family the same.  It is too soon right now for you to understand any part of death.

    Just take it one day at a time.

    I wish you well.

  7. no, your dad was such a great man god wanted him near him, you will be there with him one day, just remember the happy times you had with him

  8. I am so sorry for your loss, every single person in the entire world has there fate set for them. If there is a God I'm sure he didn't pick you, your father and your family to suffer, but if everybody stayed alive, the world wouldn't be as it is today.  If there is a God, he wouldn't be sitting there choosing peoples fate, my grandma died a few months ago but tbh I was upset but its the way life is everybody dies if its an illness or old age its just the way it is and always has been. Maybe you should celebrate his life? Think of the positive things instead of the negative things so you can appreciate all the happy things that you both shared together.

    I hope you get through this ok.

  9. I am sorry to hear about your father.  

    God does not will death.  Since the fall of Adam and Eve. sin came into the world.  God gave us free will....and death became a part of life.  We all will die sometime - we just don't know when.  But the good news is there is a Heaven!

    Yes - you are right.  Life isn't fare

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