Hummingbird, the smallest bird in the world
Hummingbirds are the smallest birds in the world. Their size varies between 5 and 25 cm. They have a colorful plumage and feed on nectar, mainly. Their life expectancy is on average 3-4 years, although many die in the first year to elapse between hatching and fledging. But there are cases of individuals who live up to 12 years. It has several peculiarities: a very light metabolism in your heart beats 1,260 times per minute, a rotation capacity of its wings in circles that allow you to fly backwards and flapping speeds up to 90 times per second.
Hummingbird: the mating dance
During courtship, males expedite this movement hundreds of times to call the attention of the female. And their flight speed goes from 30 to 60 miles per hour. Also performed as part of the mating dance several dives in the water in high altitude climbing and dive at full speed, make a bow and repeat it several times. This attracts females they may not be interested. After mating, the male will seek out other females and she will be working on a nest with moss, cotton spider web, where the two eggs deposited will empollará for two days and up to 3 weeks. The pups are smaller currency and so very helpless mother feeds them. Then as they grow 3 weeks and can fly.
Tortuga, a fast animal to love
In the case of turtles, we must distinguish males from females by the ventral edge of the shell is called the plastron is concave in their case, and up in them. Males also have longer and thicker tail. The turtles reach sexual maturity between 7 and 10 years, depending on the size more than age. They usually mate between April and June, when the males chase the females, beat them and bite their paws. Appropriate mating, the male stands on the female, based on its hind legs and shows a series of amazing high-pitched noises
Turtles: delayed fertilization
A striking turtles process is called Amphigonia retardata, which is the ability of females to store sperm inside and fertilize eggs laid until three years later. To deposit eggs digs a deep well with its hind legs up to 12cm. They lay 2-12 eggs. The eggs of these reptiles contain a lot of calcium so they are especially tough. Incubation lasts about 2 months. Hatch from August to October. The turtles used to come out with a sharp bump on the nose and allows them to break the shell. This process takes about 2 days. Life expectancy is about 100 years.
Bees necessary for human life
Bees are animals that pass through several stages of development in which they can be seen very well mutate: egg, larva, pupa and adult. For bees cycle begins when the queen, who holds more than 5 million sperm, lays its eggs in the cells of a honeycomb. They can lay eggs lifetime and up to 2000 per day during the spring, amount wane with aging queen. The eggs, about 1 mm long, hatch after 3 days. Those were fertilized be worker bees and drones will be unfertilized or male bees. These larvae do not have wings, legs and eyes. There are responsible for feeding the larvae with pollen and honey bees. About 6 days after spin cocoons where they are located about ten days, after leaving converted into adult bees.
Sunflower, a source of alternative energy
The sunflower is one plant that is characterized by its peculiar way of always oriented towards the sun. Your response to the stimulus of light is called heliotropismo and is what causes the head of the flower and the leaves to the sun in its journey from east to west throughout the day. It has a life expectancy of about 6 months, and the flower just 1 month. It can measure up to 3 feet in height. You need plenty of sunlight but is adapted to the temperatures. Its seeds are known as pipes and are very tasty. Are especially used as edible oils and biodiesel to produce energy.
Platypus: a multifaceted Animal
We will now see the life cycle of one of the strangest mammals in the world: the platypus. By genetic map is a mammal, bird and reptile. Has the ability to lay eggs, breastfeeding, have peak and defends using poison. Although it looks small, weighs 60kg and measures between 40 and 60 cm, with a tail of 30 cm. It usually lives in rivers and feeds on small fish. It has an incredible ear for orientation perfectly.
Platypus, one of the longest-lived animals
To reproduce, the female constructs a burrow digging a space 40cm deep and up to 6 meters long. In the end the eggs on the nest made of leaves and aquatic weeds are located. Covers the ground using its input queue and proceeds to start. Eggs usually two, of fairly soft structure and carrying two weeks incubation. When the young are born, they get into a kind of skin fold, which works like a sack where breast milk to feed is also deposited. The platypus has a long life expectancy in round 30.
Chinchilla, a tender rodent
The chinchilla is a rodent native to South America, living in caves and rock crevices where they hide from the birds of prey and protected from sunlight. It has a thick, loose fur that protects it from the cold and predators since before the attack while removing loose hair body. They can be played all year. Females are larger and have between 1 and 2 kits together. Your pregnancy is surprisingly long 111 days of gestation, so that the young are born hairy, with open eyes and teeth with which the hours can now feed. Although they can live about 25 years as pets, nature usually only reach 10 because of the number of predators that lurks: birds, cats, dogs and raccoons.
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