
Life of a Pharmacy technician???

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I am a junior, that's in a technical high school. I am now learning how to be a pharmacy technician, and I would like to know if I could survive on [my own], being a pharmacy tech. Is the salary too low that I have to have 2 jobs? Or I can survive paying my bills, gas, clothes ect. alone just being a pharmacy tech. Without my parents help. It's about being independent. Please give me your opinions and source.




  1. My opinion is that you can survive on a pharm tech salary.  Of course, it depends on where you live too.  Most techs will make anywhere from $7/hr to $25/hr depending on your experience and work environment.  Retail tends to pay less and hospital more (plus benefits).  Use the job as a stepping stone to something better - maybe pharmacy school, maybe another undergraduate degree.  Don't run out of the house too early either.  Don't sacrifice a good existence down the line for a little more freedoma nd independence now.  If your parents are willing to help you, work as a pharm tech, continue with college, and then move out.  You'll have some time to hang out whil ein school and the rest of your life to party.

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