
Life on Mars no matter how small...?

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“IF” they found life on Mars (small bacteria or amebas) do you think it would have a huge impact on religion (Christians in particular) or creationist?




  1. It seems that would please you very much...

    If you just HAVE to believe in ETs, they have something special in store for you. Google/youtube: "Project Bluebeam"

    'Aliens' just in time for 2012! Many will be fooled...

    Just do NOT accept this:

  2. it will have an impact but there will always be people who will believe in religion no matter what

    or they'll make up some excuse about god creating all life and when that happened it happend on mars too

    doesn't matter

    what matters is the science to be done and how we will study the life.

    also how it is similar or different to life on earth ...etc

  3. I'm a Christian; it wouldn't have an impact on me. Saw it coming.

  4. Not my religion.  I believe in God and all, but I leave a lot of open space.  People who took their religion way to seriously...ended up crashing jumpo jets in to the world trade center.

    But yes..I believe the discovery of life on other planets would have a major impact on religion...hopefully a positive one.

  5. This seems like an opinion or theory question, but I will give it my best shot.

    No not at all.  There are different types of religious groups, pertaining to Christianity

    1. There are open minded Christians (that is open to the idea that the bible may not be the "ultimate" source for all history and coming to be, but still accept it as a guide for living life, etc)   They would treat this discovery in much the same way as they treat evolution

    2. There are the religious zealots who believe that contradictions with the strictest interpretations of the bible are either tests or conspiracies.  The Flat Earth Society comes to mind as an extreme example, but there are many others.

    3. There's a growing number of Christians who separate their "scientific" reasoning from their "religious" reasoning.   So if you ask them about evolution their opinion will be in contradiction if you ask them about early bible stories.  

    4. There are many apathetic religious people, who call themselves Christian, but when interrogated may appear to lean more to the agnostic or even atheist.  

    Looking at all the groups (and I admit it is a BROAD generalization) but I would say the groups either wouldn't care or wouldn't budge.  (Not budging could entail calling it a conspiracy, calling it a trial / test, saying than Satan is planting evidence, saying that it is irrelevant etc.)  

    You can look at historical examples.  Did it cause a shake up when it was discovered that the earth was not the center of the universe?  Maybe a little, but certainly not a huge impact.

    Even when Christian religions are forced to change their beliefs on a topic the effects to the members themselves is generally fairly minimal.  Take for example the change in Mormon (LDS) doctrine to allow blacks to hold the priesthood.  

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