
Life on other planets?

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i dont believe in ufo's but maybe there once was life on all those other planets..even if they dont have water or whatever...




  1. Archaeologists have discovered 20,000 year old caves with charcoal drawings of UFOs on the walls.  Every year, world governments receive over one thousand UFO reports from reliable military and airline pilots, but it's swept under the carpet. When ancient people saw a UFO is that what they called it? UFOs continue to show up, and religion gives excuses as to why God never does.

  2. On other planets, there live monsters that came into our universe from the Outside. They are just waiting for people to land on their planets and then they'll find out where Earth is and come over here to grab us for barbecue and shish kebab.

  3. There IS life on other planets! be it single celled organisms or alien apes, There IS life on other planets!

    The Universe is SOOOOO big that its impossible to only have life here on Earth, which is tiny.

  4. Yes I think there was life on all those other planets but the question must be asked: "what happened to it" ?

  5. What you need to remember is that there are thousands of galaxies with other planets there has to be other life out there somewhere.

  6. NASA, SETI (Search for Extra-terrestrial Intelligence) has devised a mathematical formula to determine exactly this. It's called The Drake Equation and makes an attempt to calculate how many planets there are in the Milky Way galaxy which could support intelligent life forms. Dr. Drake devised the formula while working on Priject Ozma in 1961.

    The formula something goes like this:

    N = R*x fp x ne x  fl x fi x fc x L


    N is the number of planets which could support intelligent life forms.

    R* is rate of formation of suitable stars (stars like the Sun) in the Milky Way galaxy

    fp is the fraction of those stars that have planets

    ne is the number of planets capable of sustaining life around each of those stars having planets

    fl is the fraction of planets capable of sustaining life that actually evolve life

    fi is the fraction of those planets where live has evolved that evolve intelligent life

    fc is the fraction of planets with intelligent life that develop the capability to communicate

    L is the fraction of the planet's life during which the intelligent life can communicate

    I saw this on a Discovery TV show about extra-terrestrial life on other planets. NASA has determined that there are probably HUNDREDS of planets which are near enough to Earth to make a journey to Earth if they have vehicles which can travel at supersonic speeds or the speed of light such as those which have been seen and photographed. There are also THOUSANDS of other distant planets which are probably too far away from Earth to ever make the journey in an average life span of 100 years.

    You can do a Google search to read more in detail about it. Get out your 12 digit calculator and figure it out for us, OK???

    Good Luck.

  7. It Could be possible that there is or was a form of life in "All those other planets". Most Living organisms consist of  carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus. If these planets at one point had such elements it could be a possibility that there is or was life. Mars can be used as an example because of the discovery hematite which is a mineral of the presence of water. Theory is a very good explanation of something and I could go on and on stating examples but my only answer is "If there is water then there is LIFE".

  8. If not planets inside our galaxy or whatever the universe is so huge there has just GOT to be someone/thing SOMEWHERE

  9. Or...maybe there will be life there after we become the custodians of those worlds!
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