
Life perspective, do you agree or disagree with this assertion?

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Do you agree that life is all about perspective? Like even if you have a lot of bad things going on, focusing on the positive (because it could always be worse) will keep you in a better, more peacfull state of mind, while conversely, those that have it all, but focus on the negative and what they don't have are in a constant state of despair and discontent?




  1. Although I don,t delve in other cultures on a dedicated basis, I do see a philosophy of yin and yang. An equal balance of life. It is true that if you are of your own mind and thoughts, that you can accept the consequences of positive and negative. It is best accomplished though when you can be free from everyday negativism and be by yourself. That is how Thoreau viewed live on Waldens Pond, or John Muir in the rockies. When you are exposed to anger and dislikes of others it,s like a virus that permeates a crowd and puts you on the same level. Yes I do agree life is all about perspective, given the opportunity to actually live in a relaxed state of mind.

  2. YES! All of what you say is similar to the study of the law of attraction, and the ever so popular "The Secret" book.  For me, it was a great book that changed my life.  I was so negative, at least in the way I spoke to myself.  I had no confidence and never believed anything would change in my future.  So, what really changed was how I talked to myself.  I only spoke with Positive words.  I talked to myself in the mirror and told myself what an intelligent, attractive woman I am, and that only good things were in my future.  

    Now that I am on the other side, being positive, people that I am around who are so negative stick out like a sore thumb.  So, I do my part to try and change their thinking.  But sometimes you cannot help people who do not want to be helped.

    I just know for myself when I changed that perspective to be positive, I set myself free.  I am so happy and have so many wonderful things in my life to be grateful for.

    Thanks for reading!

  3. I've never thought of it before but you could be right. My family had nothing when we were growing up, and what little we did get we appreciated. We were happy. The richer people never seemed to be happy, the more you have, the more you want. I still haven't got much, but what little I have got, gives me great enjoyment. I never worry about the bad things, or what I haven't got because realistically, I could have much less.

  4. Yes.  It is about perspective and perception.  If we are rational enough, then there is no sorrow, because emotion is absence of rational thought.

  5. There is nothing Good or Bad, but Thinking makes it so!

  6. I strongly believe so. If the early British pioneers who ventured West didnt have courage, a positive spirit, or a powerful will to overcome the huge obstacles, then there wouldnt be United States of America today.There must be thousands who have lost their homes and livelihoods in hurricanes, floods and fires over the years, but many are resilient and they brace themselves to build up their lives again. This is the right spirit--the great American spirit throughout the centuries!

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