
Life question!?

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For some, being on Earth is to wake up in the morning, "do your thing" during the day and go to bed at night, then repeat it all the next day; with no in-depth meaning of what life is about. For others, being on Earth is about experiencing life, being glad you are alive and looking forward to the next day because it has meaning for you.

What does life mean to you?




  1. Wake up to the same thing every day is what I do. I personally hate it but what can one do. When you have responsibilities that involve everyone around you. That totally drains your life away.  Now you gone and made me sad. Thanks.

  2. wake up in the morning, "do your thing" during the day and go to bed at night, then repeat it all the next day; with no in-depth meaning of what life is about


    thats me.

  3. For me it's: being on Earth to wake up in the morning, "do my thing" during the day and go to bed at night, then repeat it all the next day; with no in-depth meaning of what life is about.

  4. This may sound weird but I look at life this way. I'm only 22 and I'm on my own in this world. Up to this point I have been taken care of and nurtured. Now that I'm on my own paying bills and working I kinda feel like all the years up to this point where like a dress rehearsal. Getting you prepared for whats coming next. And then when you get married and start having a family that's when your life really starts. The life your going to live every single day for the rest of your time on earth. life is what you make it. It can be either heaven or h**l. Right now my life is all about the mundane, doing the same thing everyday so I can pay the bills. But when I'm a wife and a mother I wont be just Jenn anymore. Ill have a purpose other then myself and that's when life will have meaning.

  5. Its another day that I count down until god calls for me to die. For me life sucks and then you die!

  6. To me, life means having a close relationship to Jesus Christ.

  7. I think life is a little of both for me. Somedays I just stumble through the day accomplishing what I must just to make it home and go to bed. Other days I feel a zest for life and relish every moment. Always I think how are my actions affecting the people around me. Kinda like if I smiled at this person in the drive thru window, would it make a difference in their day? Or maybe one kind word to a random person could make such a difference in how they feel today. I try everyday (whether I feel like it or not) to do at least one nice thing for one person a day. I guess that answers the question. Life to me is about making other peoples lives better.
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