
Life today?

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In Star Trek, Dr. McCoy often told Captain Kirk that something was “Life, but not as we know it.”

Describe some kind of life that is not life as we know it. Explain how it gets energy, what it does, where it lives and how it reproduces. Explain an example from amovie, or an original idea.




  1. I think energy itself is a form of life. Asking how it "gets" itself is a little like asking how water gets it's "wetness". Energy is both the characteristic and the "entity". All reality seems to have a dual nature. (time/space, self/other,yin/yang). We say that the Big Bang caused a singularity of matter to expand but the singular "thing/object/entity" had a dual nature and expansion served to "create" duality.

    Matter is stored energy that "lives" off energy until it becomes that energy again when it's matter breaks down to energy form.

    Energy again becomes matter when there is a consciousness "observing" it.

    e The above is an example from a movie. ("What the Bleep do we Know?")

  2. Life is, by and large, a series of chemical reactions, which is why we believe water to be essential because of it's solvent properties, and carbon, because it combines easily with most chemicals.  The only other possible material in place of carbon is silicon.  Unfortunately, the chemical reactions would be so much slower than those involving carbon, we probably would be unable to identify it as life.  We would find it very easy to run away from a silicon monster!

  3. if you practically want to knopw whats life then it is not something that god makes it is something that you make depends on you how do handle your life. life is just lake a prey if it makes a mistake of moving it is killed in the same way if you take any wrong decision in your life then its ruined by you not someone else.

  4. If it is "not as we know it", then how can you think it could be described? We can only describe things that we know, not things we don't know.

  5. You can't.  No "life" has been discovered that is "not as we know it".  How could it be called "life" if we could not compare it to something we knew?  We understand things best by relating them to other things.

    Don't take sci-fi so seriously.
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