
Lifeguard Certification- is it hard?

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I'm taking the lifeguard class in a week. I'm not worried at all about the first aid or written part, but how hard is the actual swimming part? I'm a good swimmer, but kind of out of shape. I can swim for about 25 minutes right now, will I be okay?




  1. Yea they usually test your swimming skills, and how long or how fast you can swim.

    They may also ask you to retrieve something that is in the water and bring it back too.

  2. it's not that hard and there is no written exam you get asked verbal questions on your exam.

    you got to swim about 25metres and pull a casualty back up the pool in 65seconds then straight after you got to swim 25metres then pull a casualty aboyt 8 - 10 metres in 45seconds.

    you got to get the manaking from the bottom of the pool

    you got to do a support tow from about 8 metres.

    you got to do a reaching rescue or wading rescue (assesor picks which one)

    you have to do a spinal turn in shallow and deep water.

    you have to strap a casualty to a spine board and do action for vomiting etc.

  3. You need to be able to swim with your head out of the water for 25 yds (head high crawl).  The swimming part is not hard.  you need to be able to dive in from the side, swim 200 yds free in a really slow time and tread for a minute with hands

  4. I'm pretty sure head high crawl or front crawl is the same as free style.  They called it front crawl on my test.  I took the American Red Cross lifeguard training last year and in order to get into the class on the first day it was required that I finish a 300 yard swim, not timed, just finish.  For me that was cake because I swim almost everyday, but even the non swimmers handled it.  It was 100 yard front crawl (free style) , 100 yard breast stroke, and 100 yard breast or front crawl, in which you decide.  

    For the interview I also had to swim a 200 for time in under 3min 30sec, which is incredibly easy if you are a swimmer, if you are not you may have to work a little bit.

    I don't beleive treading is part of the test, but you might have to somewhat tread water if you have to do deep-end backboarding, but don't worry about that, you will learn all of that type of stuff in the class.  Good Luck.

  5. I had to swim 500 yards, no wetsuit, fins with a torpedo buoy and then run half mile.  The water was cold too.  and then usually you take a written test, well worth it though.  It all depends on the conditions.  Swimming in the ocean is alot different than a pool. running on the road is different in the sand.

  6. I was certified with the red cross and it was really easy. They just teach you the different saves, and you watch videos about them. You don't have to be in great shape to do it and you don't have to run. It was easy and fun! Good luck!!!

  7. Practice your head-high crawl.

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