In my anima dreams, I am a lifeguard watching over a pool. In the first dream, i was watching the pool with 2 other life guards..a male, female(my anima i believe), and me. I go around to the anima, and she tels me to get in the pool. I get in the pool, and see that there are people swimming in the pool in different weird lanes that crossed into each other. The pool wasn't big enough for them all. I play around with the anima, and drag her into the pool. After I do that she gets mad and tells me never to do that again, also her top comes off. Whats weird is the male ( the other lifeguard) leaves in this dream.
In the second dream, I go to the pool. Im in charg eof the pool this time, and there is a supervisor with me who is female. I see that no one is in the pool. However, my anima (i recognize her) is sitting on the side with a little boy.I tell the supervisor that i thought we closed the pool. She says we reopened it. I then yell at the little boy for running when he wasnt