
Lifeguard interview?

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For anyone who has interviewed for a lifeguard position, what are some good strengths/weaknesses to say when they ask you? i'm having trouble thinking of what would be appropriate answers. also what to say if they ask "what makes you the best candidate for the job" "what could you add to this YMCA" etc. I'm assuming those will be asked, so if anyone can think of a good answer to them, or how you would respond. the lady didn't tell me if there will be a swimming portion. is this implied, or is there not one? do most people usually have a swimming portion on the first interview? thanks for the help. also, if there are any senarios they asked you in the interview or other questions i should be prepared to answer i'd appreciate it.




  1. your a people person who knows how to maintain a balance between work and socializing, and you can swim extremely well ( i hope you can at least swim)

  2. If you are a certified lifeguard I doubt they will ask you scenario questions or make you do a swimming portion because you were tested when you took your certification test. As for the other questions, you can answer them as you would in an interview for any other job. Say you have a passion for lifeguarding and list any references or experiences you have. Tell them you're a people person and that you stay calm in event of an emergency. Just be yourself and tell the truth, as lies have a way of catching up with people.
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