
Lifes hard???i dont know what to do....?

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ok im a Christian and i go to a Christian school but my dad makes fun of me for what i believe in.

i dont even think he has a religon

he makes fun of my school

he smokes and drinks

border line alcoholic

my mom smokes and drinks sometimes but she was raised as a Christian and is saved.

my problem is that i feel like i should hide the fact that my dad and mom arent the typical Christian parents

all my friends parents are the complete opposite of my parents and i dont wanna be ashamed of my parents but i am...

what should i do




  1. i have the similar situation.

    my 2 cousins have a mother and im so jelous of them becuase of how she is. she is completely awesome. she jokes and laughs with her daughters and tehy make up jokes togeher. they always hig eachotehr and say i love u. her mom seems so sweet to them and does everythting for them. my mom however, doesnt. she rarly says i love u and i hug her. she also yells a lot and makes us clean hte house too much. too much tough love. i feel ashamed sometimes for them to see my mom becuse their mom is so lovable. but yeah no matter what, nothing will change

    they are who they are and no one can change someone who has been that way for a while now

    just tell yourself that they are who they are and in a weird way, you love them and they love you. they r the most important tings becuse they are ur family.

    my family has flaws but i except them now, even though im not that happy about them but what can you do

    if u really cant stand it, talk to your dad and mom and tell them how ur feeeling. and how otehr parents arent like them. tell them to set an example when friends are over. im sure they will listen to you if u explain.

    anyways, good luck

    i hope i helped

  2. dont worry what other pople think i go toa chaolic school but im not catholic and i get make fun off put i get over it! first calm down and if it gets to far just say i dont really care!

  3. im also a family is only 15 and i go to church by doesn't seem like a big deal but when i see all the families at church i feel realy sad...i feel realy bad when all the families hug and im just standing there all yeah...i dont mind ppl knowing that  my parents  are christian or that they get drunk...after all salvation is personal..u should only worry about u and ur relationship with God... and i think ur friends will understand that...

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