
Lifting Weights! Is It possible too...??

by Guest61919  |  earlier

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Go from 170 pounds to 190 or 200 pounds in under a year?

I am lifting weights and I just want to look bigger. Cause im 6"1 and skinny. What is the fastest way to build more muscle?? and im only 17




  1. It certainly is possible in any exercise. I am assuming you are talking about a straight-bar bench press. When I first started lifting weights I went from a benching routine of roughly 3 sets of 6 reps at 95 lbs(which is quite weak but im tall and thin too. I only weighed 135lbs) and at around the year mark I was doing 3 by 8 of 135 + max-out set of 155. Granted making 40 gains gets harder as you get farther but I proceeded to make 20-25 lb jumps per year without taking protein. My legs are much stronger anyways. I can incline leg press (against gravity) a max of about 1000 lbs and I can squat 300 lbs. In any case you are very strong for 17 and good luck.

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