
Light as a feather...../ bloody mary?

by  |  earlier

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have you ever tried light as a feather, stiff as a board?

what happened? did it work.

how about bloody mary....




  1. I've never done the "light as a feather" thing because I think it's mainly a female activity, but I have contributed to the cruelty of many a "power situp".

    I don't care to take part in any activities involving Bloody Marys.  They give me heartburn.

  2. no i havn't tried light as a feather.  i've heard of different variations of how to recite the mary one and havn't tried any of them.  but someone i know say's her friend did and indeed saw mary.

  3. Never tried Light as a feather stiff as a board but I have talked to many who have and said it works. I do not know. Bloddy Mary i have tried and it is myth.


  4. We used to try Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board when I was a teenager at slumber parties!  We would all get together in a footy pajamas and pick the smallest, skinniest girl and all get around her as she was lying on the floor (probably 12 -15 of us) and she would be real still and rigid.  We would all pick her up .. and it worked.  The girl probably weighed all of 60 pounds though .. so it wasn't that hard.  But, then someone would always start laughing and we would end up dropping her every time!  It was good clean fun though!

  5. I recommend everyone try Bloody Mary.It can be great spooky fun.

  6. I tried bloody mary once, nothing happened.

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