
Light headed..dissyness?? whats up with this?

by  |  earlier

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okay well im 13, 5'5" and last time i checked i was 124.5lbs. my mom thinks i have an eating disorder because i never eat. i dont think i do, im just NEVER hungry. im not even underweight. but my moms a nurse, so idk. but lately if i sit/lay down for 10 minutes, when i stand up i get REALLY lightheaded and sometimes dizzy. whats going on? is something wrong with me or do i just need to be more active?




  1. if you stand up to fast, that happens to you.

    you could also be dehydrated.

    and malnurished! listen to your mother! even if you dont think youre hungry, you need to eat because your body cannot function properly.

  2. You can theorize and listen to other people theorize until you're dead. In any case, you should see a doctor.

  3. Why is this in freakin astronomy!?!?!? Oh yeah...that means you have 2 weeks to live

  4. the same thing happens to me, my teacher noticed me all loopy and stuff and told me i should exercise more.

  5. low blood sugar because you are not getting enough in the little food you do consume. Try eating more, 3 square meals a day, no snacks. But your average at the weight your at.. i wish i weighed the same as  you do :(...i would kill to be like you.  

  6. it could be that your sugar is low, try getting up slower it might help with the dizziness.

  7. Dizziness upon rising is by no means unusual, especially if you get up quickly.

    Low blood pressure can cause even more dizziness.

    You may want to check your blood pressure.  However, it is better to have low pressure than high.

    Exercise NEVER hurts. and certainly can effect your blood pressure.

    Either way, I do not think you have a lot to worry about.

    Hope this helps.

  8. Maybe you stood up to quickly and the blood rush made you dizzy.

    Why did you post in the "Astronomy and Space" section?

  9. it's BECAUSE you are not eating properly

    you're human and humans NEED food on a DAILY bases

    the way you feel with the dizzyness is the same way people in poor countries feel because it's from not eating

  10. that happend to me once idk why.

    i was on the computer for 3 hours straight and when i got up i was dizzy and lightheaded and i passed out.

    so i recommend if you feel like that when you stand up, to immediatly sit or lay down.

    i really don't know why it happens i was wondering the same thing.

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