
Light healing Is there an emiter with crystals which I may produce a spark?

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Light healing Is there an emiter with crystals which I may produce a spark?




  1. Wake up call, we are no longer living in the dark ages.

    The only healing that is presently done with light is laser surgery.

    With the exception of UV light which kills bacteria.

  2. Quartz has been used for the longest of times for spiritual expression, metaphysical growth and as an object of power for creating and manifesting reality. The power of quartz may not appeal to everybody, admittedly, but it will be of great interest to many.

    There is a tremendous amount of information coming out about crystals and some of it is valuable. But for every piece of valuable information, there are 3 to 4 times that of misinformation. So it is important for you to have the knowledge to discern the truth of metaphysics so you don't have to be wondering who is telling the truth, you will know.

    If I just talk about the metaphysical properties without first spending time on the physical properties, crystals will be a bit hard to appreciate and understand. Grounded in the knowledge of the physical properties, you will be able to determine the true metaphysical capabilities of crystals for yourself.

    What are crystals? What are the physical properties of crystals?

    99% of the earth's crust is made up of eight elements or chemicals:

    (most to least): oxygen, silica, aluminum, iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium

    Quartz crystal is a combination of two oxygen atoms and one silica atom. Silica-Dioxide. Oxygen and silica are the first and second most common elements. What are atoms? Atoms are comprised of a nucleus or central core. Around this core travel electrons. They travel in layers or shells looking much like our solar system. The Sun being the central core, then Mercury one shell, then Venus with the next shell, Earth, Mars and so on.

    On the Outer shell, there are not enough electrons so they connect by drawing an electron from another atom to form a molecule. So, two oxygen and one silica atom combine and lock together by the outer shell of each getting filled up with theirs and each other's electrons creating a molecule. That molecule connects with other molecules creating a lattice similar to how tinker toys connect. This lattice or helix spirals at a 60 degree angle taking six turns to complete the spiral...and then again and again. This looks very much like strands of DNA and similar to how blood flows through our veins. This movement creates the natural 6-sided shape of a quartz crystal (60 degree angle with six turns)

    Now, there is some interesting energy that is associated with quartz. There is energy outside, there is energy inside and combining in a synergy, there is the energy of the whole.

    When you strike, stress or squeeze a quartz crystal, when you do that electrons pop off the surface of a crystal. When you do this, it lights. This has been commonly observed in a laboratory. You can see a burst of light or an electrical charge because of this release of electrons. This is called Piezio-electric energy. When you stop striking it, the crystal recollects electrons...repeats and repeats.

    This is the basic principle of a phonograph needle striking the edge of a record groove. The quartz needle is running in a curved groove and the needle is moving straight so it is constantly bumping back and forth on the edge of the groove, releasing an electric charge that is mechanically amplified into sound. That is the Piezo-electric energy that runs on the surface of the crystal.

    Now, if you put light into a crystal, it will puff up and shrink back, expanding and contracting or vibrating. This is the principle behind the quartz watch. Quartz crystal vibrates at a certain frequency or a particular number of vibrations for each second, minute, hour. Again, this is an example of the Piezo-electric energy running on the surface of a crystal.

    What about the energy inside? The energy on the inside is a spiral energy... It is caused by the spiraling lattice of its' molecular structure. 60 degree turns, 6 turns to complete a circle. A circle is 360 degrees divided by 6 equal 60 degrees. This is the same spiral as DNA or the flow of blood in your body. It resembles the look of a ladder that has been turned. This turn in the crystal is a very powerful turn because it is an amplifying turn.

    So a crystal has energy on the inside that functions differently than the energy on the outside. Both energies function together to cause a third energy, a radiant energy. Because as the energy is flowing on the inside it is putting pressure on the outside. This creates another piezo-electric effect whether you are squeezing it or not. The synergy of the inside energy and the outside energy allow it to function all by itself. That is why just being in the presence of a crystal can have an effect on you.

    OK, three energies that can be used for your spiritual growth, as a metaphysical tool and a power object to create and manifest your reality.

    First, just a few words about Silica, the second most common element on the planet. Remember crystals are made up of silica and oxygen. Silica, there are tremendous amounts of it in your brain essentially creating liquid crystals, oxygen and silica. This is constantly forming and reforming in your brain.

    Silica is called a semi-conductor, a somewhat confusing word. Copper is a conductor and many electrical wires have it as their core carrying electricity. Rubber does not conduct electricity and it acts as an insulator creating protection from an electrical charge.

    Silica is a semi-conductor, meaning that sometimes it carries an electrical charge and sometimes it doesn't. That is a very important feature because it allows you to store an electric charge in it. You can store a charge in some silica and not store a charge in other silica. Yes, no, yes, no, on, off, on, off, 1,0,1,0. This is the binary system that creates the whole mechanism that ultimately is your PC, MAC, cell phone or any other electronic device. They are all based on this fact that certain silica chips are charged, others are not, semi-conductor. It is the ability of silica to store a charge that makes it all possible. What does that have to do with crystals?

    That means a crystal, Silica-Dioxide, two parts oxygen and one part silica, can store a charge. Then, if it can store a charge, it stores energy. If it stores energy it store thought. In fact, that is how you can pack it with knowledge, binary knowledge. 1,0,1,0 etc.

    This is much like your brain, which is made of lots of silica. You store information in your brain. Some of you realize that because you remember things. When you can store a charge in your brain it actually releases light and energy, just like a crystal, but you can't see it because it is nicely encased in your cranium. For protection.

    Silica is in crystals and it is in you. Obviously, you are not a crystal and a crystal is not a person but you are both consciousnesses in different physical forms. A mineral consciousness and a human consciousness and I would suggest that you can communicate. If in no other way, Morphogenically, which is the transfer of energy, from one to the other.

    Those are the physical properties of crystals.

    Now, on to the good stuff, the Metaphysical qualities of crystals. There are seven.

    First of all, crystals have the ability to balance and harmonize. This is based on the physical law of resonance. When a frequency of a vibration is encounters another vibration that is different, ultimately, those two vibrations will become the same. If one vibration is faster than another, the faster will slow down or the slower will speed up or they will both move toward equalization at the same frequency.

    So, when you have a crystal vibrating at the same frequency, always constant, always the same and you stand with it, you hold it, it is not going to change, you are. Some may have to sit with it a very, very, very, long time but nonetheless, you will change. Absolutely, you will change. Many of you will find that you cannot be around crystals without feeling a bit more serene. You will feel balanced and a sense of harmony. The worst problems can't seem to hold your attention when you are around crystals. Crystals can be used to balance and harmonize charkas, auric fields, temporal lobes, the mind, and virtually any part of the body.

    Admittedly, you can pull it down, too. If you try. If you only hold it feeling anger, rage, martyr, self-pity and horrible, rotten, scared and refuse to let go. But the vibration is there, it will change me...if I hold it properly, it will change me

    Crystals can gather and store information, knowledge, understanding and realization. Because of the properties of silica, It can store information, because of the spiral and the field of piezoelectric energy of its' surface ?it can gather and store knowledge ?many people bring crystals to workshops for just that reason. Because they can gather and store knowledge that you can later access at home. OH C'MON, SURE THEY CAN! Absolutely. IE ?Woman who had a meeting, very concerned and put the information in each of the facets and released it as needed. If you sit around the house in a foul mood, it will gather it up.

    Crystals can amplify, direct and project energy. Yes, though the spiral they can direct and amplify energy through the spiral as it moves. You can influence it and you can aim it. If you want to direct an energy to a specific place at a specific time, this is the energy to use.

    Crystals can transmute, transform and transcend energy. If you want to transform something about yourself. Perhaps, there is an aspect of you that you just don't like and want to eliminate. Maybe fear. If you have done your homework, worked it the best you can, then you can sit down with a crystal and transform it. It is just energy that you are remapping. After all, what is the difference between laughing and crying, not much. You can use the crystal to transform, transmute and transcend energy. This is not a shortcut. If you just refuse to work on it, to process, to look at, to deal with or refuse to even own it and expect the crystal to transform, it not going to work. But if you have done the work, a crystal can transform energy magically.

    I had someone ask me if they could transform their boyfriend. I said, yea, it is called go get a new boyfriend. You can't change others.

    Crystals can condense and focus energy of your desire or design just like a laser. This is the energy that is commonly used for healing specific things or places in the body.

    Crystals can and do communicate with each other. They do it all the time. The egocentricity that only humans can communicate is, well, hopefully waning. Crystals are not limited by time and space. That is why a crystal that you hold can pick up information from anywhere; anywhere there are other crystals. Now, admittedly, you have to have a sensitivity to be able to do so, but you can communicate with them and through them.

    Crystals can work very clearly to protect and heal. Shield of energy, wall of energy to protect you from so many things, including your own negative ego. They can protect you from anything that you desire protection. It can be used as a tool to facilitate spiritual, mental-emotional and physical healing. They don't heal on their own, they a tool from which your energy can provide healing.

    Esoteric qualities of crystals

    Crystals can be of service, not in service. They are not servants they are not slaves. Treat them as such and they will eventually get the upper hand.

    They can be focal points for you, they can be allies of you. They can be focal point and allies of choice, to help you with the mystical and mysterious of choice, to be a focal point and ally in the making of choice and thus decision.

    They can be focal point and ally of you attention and your intention. Crystals can work with you as focal point as allies in bringing you attention to gather in, hold it, release it, amplify it, direct it, project it, to use your attention to transmute, transform, transcend, to condense and to focus energy. Of your intent it can hold and release your intent to work with you.

    Crystals can work to calibrate and balance. Balance an harmony of resonance it can work to calibrate and balance. To coordinate and generate cooperation of your senses, of your chakras, of your brain temporal lobe sensitivity limbic brain activity ventricle activity and your mind that which is beyond your conscious self. Yes the crystals you guardian the crystals you keep can work, can serve you can work as focal points can work as allies to calibrate your temporal lobes, to calibrate your senses, your chakras, your mind, your brain, to balance move beyond the familiar senses to move beyond the familiar levels into the unfamiliar of your senses into the depth of your chakra centers. To balance your brain left and right hemispheres and the various components their of. To balance your mind.

    Crystals can work with you to reprogram your subconscious and repattern your unconscious mind. In their very energies of transmutation, transformation and transcendent to reprogram and repattern the subconscious ad unconscious.

    Crystals can be tremendous allies in the energy medicine. The medicine of the future. The medicine you are told now is complementary to (the real medicine) to allopathy. Well someday alopathy  will be complementary to energy medicine and crystals can play a large roll as ally in the working of energy medicine’s.

    Crystals can be focal point and ally in your action and in your image so critical to move beyond the tascid  acceptance and passive participation. To become actively consciously participating in the creation of your future, in the creation of the future, in the creation of that positive future now destined to be the new world.

    Focal point and ally of remembering and for reuniting. They can be allies on your journey now a journey coming home.

    Crystals can produce or be doorways and gateways to the future, to the possible, to they unknown, to the imaginal. Crystals can be gateways to the mystical other(faerie realms are included in the mystical other). They can afford you a gateway to what you have lost of yourself, to that of lemuria, to what you have forgotten of your self, to that of atlantis. Crystals can afford you gateways to that which is missing from your heritage, celtic tradition or from wherever else from among the myriad of lifetimes called past. Gateways to what has been lost of you to what has been forgotten to what is missing. They can be gateways to discovering more of who you truly are. As well crystals can serve as gateways to the confluence of magic. What is the common denominator between the magic of you the magician of your current age or the magic of you of your tradition? Often the common denominator can be crystals. You from the many lifetimes other can put your magic into a crystal as can you of this life time and their a gateway to the confluence of these many magic’s. Likewise crystals can act as gateways for the complexity of consciousness from your times, from times past, from your set, from other sets, from your world and the world of other that share your planet earth. Where you can bring the diversity of your consciousness and the others can bring the diversity of their consciousness together in a complexity to integrate without losing identity.

    Most information about crystals says they are just rocks, ordinary rocks. Fascinating, but just rocks. At the other end of the spectrum, there are those that give crystals some powers that are ridiculous. The crystal told me the winning numbers of the lottery...

    In fact, crystals are consciousness. If fact, all things have consciousness, plants, animals and minerals included. Crystals are a rarefied and highly evolved consciousness within the mineral kingdom.

    You do not own crystals, rather, you are in charge of the care and guardianship of it for what length of time it is in your is a living consciousness, cannot own it, anymore than you can own a person or an animal.  Crystals are immensely powerful and immensely vulnerable.

  3. You dont need lights or crystals or things of that nature to heal. They are all tools you use to channel what you need.  Cards, runes even dice. Its great to use them when you are staring off but as you grow you find that you outgrow the tools and can do it just by using your hands

  4. Light healing is a bunch of BS. You can produce an  electrical spark by striking a piezoelectric crystal (quartz) or a heat spark (fire) by striking flint with metal.

  5. Vit D, sunlight does make a difference in the winter blues...

  6. You can use any crystal with light passing through it for healing. This is called color light healing. The chakras in the body have been assigned a particular color. The pain or healing corresponding to the chakra, or organs near the chakra can be healed by that particular color. It is similar to using colors of gems to ward of certain ill effects. Or the use of predominant colors in your wardrobe.

    P.S. Some crystals are Polaroids. That means they restrict the light vibrations (which are spread in all directions radially), in one direction only. This helps in concentrating the light in one direction only. And hence increase its power. Some such crystals are single pointed crystals - Tourmaline & nicole crystal prisims.

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