
Light shining at the sky.. Like the Batman Bat-Signal :P

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Okay, so I've been wondering recently about this. Since the sky is not a solid mass but rather one of gases and vapor, is it possible for light (for example, the Bat-signal :P) to be shone towards it and still be able to create an effect?

I mean, I'm not sure if there's a way for the light to be reflected or any place for the light to create an impression on. So I guess I'm asking, in reality, even if there was a strong enough light, would it show up in the sky? Or would it simply scatter and disappear?

I apologize if I was not clear enough.. And yes, this question was inspired by a Batman movie.. :P




  1. To draw an image visible from the ground, you would need to have a thin, flat layer of dense clouds and a super-intense light. With ordinary weather, all you would see is a ray of light from the ground up thru the clouds. You have probably seen such beams of light which are often used to draw attention for advertising purposes, but they can never draw a picture on the bottom of a cloud.

  2. Light reflects off the clouds and dust, but not the air molecules. Searchlights usually show up from the ground, but on really clear nights are barely visible.  

  3. short answer - yes, like the other guy said

    long answer - Actualy, one of the times I saw a UFO I saw four lights flying around the clouds in a weird formation.  Later on I figured out it was a collection of four search lights from Hollywood Video.  Any dust in the air can scatter light.  A super bright LASER beam could be visible.  The FAA will investigate if you point a light at an aircraft.  

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