
Lightheaded and pressure in chest while skydiving... why?

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I went skydiving for the first time yesterday and I really wasn't too nervous. The first minute or so was fine, but then after he opened the parachute I started to get really lightheaded and I had a lot of pressure in my left chest (heart related?). I wanted to love it because I love heights and everything but these two things made it hard for me to do that. I came down very nauseated, my face was red and I was sweating a lot. Are any of these things indicative of any health problems I should be checked for? I'm 18 if that makes a difference. Thank you




  1. I would say you may have a problem.

    You really should have it checked out and see if you are ok. If so then try it again.

    The sweats could have been from motion sickness, I still get that once in a while if I do a lot of spins.  I just started jumping a few years ago and I'm 47. After 330 jumps so far I've never experienced chest pains from jumping. It could be as simple as you had congestion in your lungs that was affected by the pressure change, either way I would certainly avoid skydiving until you get an all clear from a doc.

    Hope it all works out and get your butt back in the air.

    Blue skies

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