
Lightweight pool table?

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anyone know of any slate free lightweight pool tables for use on second floor?

I have a very large bedroom and really would like a pool table. however my parents are afraid that even one smaller than standard would be too heavy and would fall through the floor.... my house was built in the 50's




  1. You would have to have a rather large bedroom even to house a 3 1/2' x 7' pool table.

    First of all, the floor would probably hold up a table, pounds per square inch, as long as the joists underneath are at least 2" x 8". 2" x 10" or larger would be preferable but you could always marry up new joists to the old using lag bolts every 24" top and bottom if you had any concerns.

    Second, you need 5' of space free of any obstructions on each side of the table to play effectively. Consider that a pool cue is over 50" long and add 8" to 12" for a decent stroke if the cue ball is up against a rail. So, your bedroom would have to be at least 18' x 14 1/2' to house a 7' table.

    You can find a decent used table on fairly inexpensive or visit or call a local pool room and ask for the owner or manager. They will probably know who has a table available or there might be a bulletin board with something listed on it.

    By all means, do NOT purchase anything from Wal Mart or anyplace like that if the table doesn't have at least a 3/4" slate bed. Anything less will just be a waste of money. You would be better served just paying for table time at one of the pool rooms. I hope that helps.

  2. Dozens of them but they are toys I wont recommend any of them

  3. You can get a "slate-free" pool table (though I highly discourage anyone from doing so) at Wal-Mart. I cringe at the thought of a non-slate pool table. But this is not about me, I know. I'd just hate to see you spend even 200.00 on a table that is..........well ........... JUNK!

    FYI: Houses built in the 1950's are more solidly constucted than modern homes.

    Have your parents consult with a contractor and/or a building inspector.

    Or ...... Get a good pool table, and have it set-up downstairs.

    Good luck in your search.

    LA  (breathes a sigh of relief after giving a brutally honest answer). My conscience just won't allow me tell you what you only might want to hear.

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