
Like Britain?

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I was wondering what the rest of the worlds view of britain was?




  1. im from Britain and i think its a $hit country all together.

    take me to Australia any day

  2. For those who say they would prefer australia, they`re welcome to :_

    Red back spiders

    Poisonous snakes

    Killer Sharks

    Intense, unbearable heat

    Skin cancer

    Bush fires

    Better the devil you know than the one you don`t...Britain is Best.

  3. Britain is one fine country, with a long history, where wars were fought, where invaders come from, where the English language originated. It has beautiful buildings and plenty of rock stars. You'll be thinking of rock n roll if you see the British flag.

  4. I have never visited Britain , but I read everything that I find in two very large libraries, that has anything to do with English history .

    Our language , many customs , all of our early traditions , all originated in England .

    England has spread its culture and language all over the world . If there had never been an England , the world would be entirely different from what it is now .

  5. This American has a GREAT deal of respect and admiration for Britain!   I'v e been there a few times and wish it could have been more, for a longer time.

  6. yeah im with him i think everyone prefers alstralia

    i guess its okay

    but USA is way better
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