
Like Dale Sr said, if they are booing you you are doing something right. Agree or disagree?

by Guest56727  |  earlier

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Maybe Whiner Nation should just sit quietly at Rowdy's introductions, it might work better :^))))))))




  1. agree with lynn...he's been extremely unpopular way before the incident at richmond

  2. Totally agree!  Kyle's reacting like Earnhardt did, too, even if it hurts him on the inside.  Good for him.

  3. Disagree.  Dale Sr. wasn't always right.

    I wish people could get it through their heads: it is not just Junior Nation who boos Scrub.  If you'd been listening, you would have heard him being booed long before Richmond, by the fans of all the other drivers that he's wrecked or tried to wreck.  It's just that when Junior Nation chimed in, it got a whole lot louder.

    Obviously, the Feminator enjoys being unpopular, so what's the problem?

  4. totally agree.

    r.i.p. dale sr

  5. Totally agree. For years Earnhardt Sr was the most booed driver ever. Didn't appear to slow him down at all. Funny thing is I didn't hear much booing on my tv last night for Busch. I must not have been listening good enough.

  6. Maybe people should learn how to control their emotions. I've never heard of Whiner Nation. Are you referring to Dale Jr. or Kyle Busch, or just exploiting your own hurt feelings? The reason why winners get booed is because their favorite driver got beat (which is an act of vanity) which is superficial, which is a product of unstable emotions, which is common to about 80% of the people on this planet. But yeah, I agree.

  7. I agree...Dale meant if they're not making any noise you're not doing anything to make them sit up and take note. He doesn't care anyway, why should they. Imagine how quiet it would be if all the Jr fans and Kyle haters at the race kept quiet during his introduction. Not quite a cemetery, but noticably low.

  8. Agree. Love him or hate him, nobody would hate him as much if he were a loser.

  9. agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. When I went to my first  NASCAR race when i was 12 years old in '94 at Charllote, I was a huge Dale fan.  I couldnt believe how most of the crowd was booing my driver.  I thought since he was the best everyone would cheer not jeer. After a while I could completly understand why.  He was the best.  He was wrapping up the title that race.

  11. I agree

  12. agree

  13. Lynn put it perfectly. It's not just Jr. Nation booing him. As much as people love to beat on Jr. Nation, we're not all cut of the same cloth.  Not everyone that booed him and threw stuff at him this week is a member of Jr. Nation. Shrub has been earning his boos for a long, long time.

    Anyway, I guess noise is good. There's no such thing as bad publicity, as they say.  And I guess as long as he's winning, the sponsors won't mind too much at the dumb a s s things he says.

  14. You're right to a certain extent.  Kyle has earned his boos.  He is booed for far different reasons that Jimmie Johnson is booed.  And now days, there are so many Jr fans, almost every driver is booed except him.

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