
Like Sampras, Do you think Federer will never win the French Open?

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I'm almost positive that he won't win it. I think he'll beat the Sampras record of number of slams won, but I don't think he'll ever get the French. What do you think?




  1. It does look that way. I feel for Roger to win the French, he needs some of Manchester United's luck. And he needs Nadal to choke like John Terry. Imagine that. Match point for Nadal and he smashes an overhead wide. Then he falls apart and Federer takes over.

    Not likely to happen.

  2. yes

  3. I hope he wins it.  I'm a huge Federer fan, but I'll stand by my beliefs.  If Federer, like Sampras, never wins the French Open, he can't and shouldn't be called, 'Best Ever'.

  4. i think so.. nadal is the man he need to beat..

  5. Federer has the versatile, all-court style of play that Sampras didn't have to win on clay. Federer has won more titles on clay than Sampras did. Sampras only got to the semi's once at the French, and Federer has consecutively gone to the finals for two years. Federer has got the game and means to beat Rafa on clay it's just a matter of Fed staying aggressive and keeping up with Rafa. I personally think Federer will take the French this year. Once he does people will have to accept that Federer is the greatest ever and he'll continue to be until he retires. Federer has the motivation and the drive to go out there this year and prove he's still king and shutup his critics who won't even give him credit for continuing to play consecutive tennis by reaching the quarters, semi's, and final of every tournament. :) GO FED!;)

  6. Why did people give French Toast a thumbs down. Granted her English sux, but she's right.

    Anyhow, no, I don't think Federer will equal the poor performance of pete's at the French. Roger made it to the finals, which is something Pete never came close to doing. So, again, people who give thumbs down to correct answers show their spinelessness.

  7. I agree, I don't think winning French is in the cards for Federer.  Although rather than Sampras, I think it's more of a Lendl obsession with Wimbledon.  Lendl won the other three majors, but in Wimbledon only made it to the finals 2 years in a row, but couldn't win the title.

  8. Federer has had a much better performance than Sampras on clay, and has been to the finals twice at RG. Roger will definitely win the French at some point of his career and will also reach the tally of 14 Grandslams. It would be interesting to see which one he does first. If he wins French first in the list of events, it will take the pressure off him and he can think of equaling Sampras's records. If he breaks Sampras's records first, then the pressure of 14 Grandslams will be off and he can always come back and win FO. I personally believe he can achieve both of these records, it is just a matter of when, where and how he does it. Go Rogi !

  9. I think Federer will win the French Open. Unlike Sampras, he got to the finals twice.

  10. He already beat past Samprass when he come all the way to the final. Samprass never make it so far.

    I think Rogi can win. I think maybe next year, not today.

  11. Earl, Fed has won clay tournis and has improved his game tremendously on the surface. His career win % is 75% which is quite respectable and is 83% so far this year. After Rafa, Roger is probably the best hope of winning the French. Rafa is tired, distracted by his girlfriend, nursing injured feet & sore knees, has respect for Fed's greatness at the game so anything can happen. Fed is a great competitor and knows he needs the French to complete his Slam repertoire and earn the G.O.A.T. as if he hasn't already.

  12. he will win his as long as Rafa will not bug him.

  13. federer reached the french open finals twice! I hope that he wins it this time! I think he would still have 3 yrs to achieve that goal! (aggasi won the french at the age of 29!) if federer is 30 yrs old and still he didn't win the french, then we can all say that he will never win the french open!

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