
Like can we get the government to like less regulate the registry on machine guns?

by  |  earlier

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like let there be so many new machine guns get put into the registry for law abiding citizens. and have a more extensive background check




  1. Like you like need like to like stop like using like the like word like like it like makes like your like question like totally like hard like to like understand like you like know like what like I'm like talking like about?

    Like just like use like proper like language. You like stupid.

    See how hard it was for you to read that. Now enter it again without that stupid word. Teens these days.

    From Yahoo Community guidelines:

    Don't post things that are incomprehensible

  2. Like, I don't, like, know what, like, you are, like talking about.  

  3. No. There is no need for any citizen to privately own a machine gun. They are useless for anything except taking a persons life. We do not need gangs and terrorists and those crazy people who shoot up schools and churches to be packing Uzis. Why do you need a machine gun in the first place may i ask?

  4. I think you need to check my source.  I think it might help you.  I hope it does.  I think this would be a good source for you to check.  

  5. Yeah those pesky deer! They're really hard to stop without anything less than a rocket launcher

    And burglars never brake into homes with anything less than Assault Rifles..

    Why the h**l would a citizen need a machine gun?

    Like... your an idiot.

  6. wow man like..only if the buyers can like  pass a drug test

  7. Yes we can. We just have to overthrow the government and restore our second amendment rights so they can be exercised as originally intended. Gun registration for machine guns is ILLEGAL. The second amendment clearly says "The right of the people to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED."

    "What country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon & pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants" - Thomas Jefferson

  8. Im sorry dude as long as democrats are around that will never happen.  Guns dont kill people, people kill people.  Criminals will always get guns no matter what the law says they're criminals for christ's sake.

  9. is 'like' your favorite word

  10. Like, no. Kay?

  11. There is no Earthly reason for a "law abiding citizen" to own a machine gun of any sort. So you must fit in to one of several types:

    Criminal, gang banger, gun nut, survivalist, or just a guy with a little p***s who feels mannish with his hands on a powerful weapon.

  12. With the ban on fully automatic assault weapons I do not see this happening.

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