
Like cann you spike ona serve for vollball?

by Guest32379  |  earlier

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Like cann you spike ona serve for vollball?




  1. NOPE!!!! not allowed you should go for 3 contacts on each play or volley you can't block either


  3. If you want to chance breaking your wrist.....

  4. no, you can set it to the person next to you and they can hit it

  5. You're not really supposed it would be kind of a bad move. Remember "bump, set, spike."

  6. NO you have to wait to make contact until its over the net and you can spike it at that time

  7. no its foul

  8. Are you kidding me?  Is that even a serious question?

  9. No you cannot spike or block the serve.  The serve needs to be able to fully cross the net for it to be contacted, and the first contact cannot be a spike.

  10. Yes & No.   Per USAV & NCAA rule.  

    You CANNOT block or attack a serve when the ball is completely above the height of the net.  

    You CAN attack a serve once the ball has completely crossed the net & it is not entirely above the height of the net.

    (net height for male, female, co-ed & reverse-coed are different)

    have fun playing.

  11. Yes you can spike serve.  The top teams in the world almost exculsively use the spike service.  You stand back in the service area, throw the ball up in high enough and in front of you enough to let 'er rip.  And if you want to get technical about it, you can return a serve with a spike(although it isn't recommended).  It takes incredible timing, blockers not paying attention, and a lousy serve to be able to do this.

  12. NO!!!! Its just like you can't block a ball when its served....its a rule set in place so the server can get to their base on time

  13. No, you can't spike the serve.

  14. no, you big goof!

  15. Have you ever played volleyball before? No, you can't hit on a serve.

  16. no you must first return the serve then you can spike the ball

  17. A person can attack a serve after it crosses the net.  Is it always a good idea?  No.

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