
Like father -- like son -- hope not.

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Is it true that Lewis Hamilton's dad wrecked a new Porsche into a children's playground? When did this happen?




  1. Yes, apparently he was showing off in front of a load of kids.

  2. .

    ICorrect, but it was a back garden not a playground and there was a swing, but FORTUNATELY no children playing in the garden at the time.

    It was about 4 weeks ago.

    Like father like son is a possibility though - Lewis has been caught for speeding twice in France...

    Just recently Schhh.., you know who lost, control of his vehicle and hit a door with a guy standing behind it, injuring the guy, but UNFORTUNATELY he decided not to press charges.

    Lewis and Schhhhh should know better and should receive the harshest penalties. They have a consummate understanding of the dangers of speed and I, for one, am all in favour of keeping speed related death off the road.

    I know I will receive many thumbs down. Many people confuse my admiration of Schhhhh's driving prowess in an F1 car, his (what I feel is) mental frailty at times - when he chose to cheat as his option to succeed.... and what seems to be a mis-placed confidence on the public highway.

    I find the three very clear.

    His ability in F1 and other formulae: Uncanny, considering it's frequency.

    HIs cheating in F1, F3: Unforgivable, considering it's frequency.

    His road driving ability: Forgivable (we all make mistakes), but his attitude after....ABSOLUTELY UNFORGIVABLE, ARROGANT and SHAMEFUL.

    The barn door could have been a child. A dead child!


  3. Yes.. this was sometime ago. I can't remember exactly when. He was trying to show off and accelerated before finally hitting a barrier or something. Oh dear...  

  4. to some

    Anthony hamilton rammed his porsche carrera gt into an back garden and lewis hamilton after few days rammed his Mclaren in to the back of kimis Ferrari......LOL.........

    did Anthony hamilton had an puncture in theleft front wheel of his car???? few days prior to Hungary???.........if yes.....than Lewis fans better kidnap anthony and keep him somewhere tied up and let him not drive a car till the season is over....LOL......;-)

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