
Like how to you explain this. please help?

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im a freshman in high school

and so far, i have lots of guy friends

what are good ways to joke around and not make the boys annoyed?

and i sort of want to sound smart and not get on their nerves?

any suggestions?




  1. Lexi has the right of it really - if you change who you are to fit in then sooner or later it will go wrong.

    But a couple of things that might help in any group of people: Sounding smart isn't just about knowing stuff, a lot of it is about being able to say "I don't know" and being able to ask a sensible question.

    If someone asks your opinion and you don't know - don't fake it.

    If you aren't sure if a question you want to ask might be dumb (in the sense that everyone else there already knows the answer) then you could always try and look it up later so you will know next time.

    If you are completely perplexed and really need to ask a "dumb" question, try opening with something like "Sorry I am missing something here but..." - It's nice to know answers but other people also like to be able to show off their knowledge, so why not give them the chance.

    Good luck with everything

    P.S. In the way I have used it "Dumb" doesn't mean "stupid", just "slightly out of place".

  2. I agree with Lexi, don't try to be someone else just to impress somebody, its not worth it.

  3. BE YOURSELF,either they accept you for who your are or they don't,if who YOU are isn't good enough then they are not friends and you don't need them.

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