
Like in facebook there are <span title="slayers,werewolves.vampires">slayers,werewolves.vampir...</span> and zombies?

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i think there are no other site like facebook. if you don't believe then check out.first sign up and one thing that facebook accept only the id from yahoo,gmail,and two other site.check it out and answer me.




  1. sure are.  And you can applications that kill people and command the undead.  Facebook is so much fun.

  2. These are applications - groups you can join that are like a mini game - not real.

    Also groups based on people who are interested in that kind of thing - they are not the actual thing, whatever some people like to think!

  3. what are you smoking???!?!?!?!?!?

  4. WHAT?!?!!? Ummmm... No its a normal website

  5. yeah u got the wrong webpage facebook is like myspace

  6. uh applicatiions :/ ?????????

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