
Like or Not...Hillary shows us that she has the heart. Do you agree?

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During last night debate and closing statement and her today's attitude towards the Police Officer killed last night...Clinton is showing us that she has the heart to be considered our candidate. Showing your human's what strike us Americans!




  1. I don't think so in my opinion. I feel that all politicians have a lot of stuff that they are hiding from us. No matter what the politician whether they are republican or democrat, they don't take sides or show their true colors especially around election time becuase they want to get the most votes.  They give constrictions to what they have said in the past, but give no clear meaning on it. They even redirect from the original question that was asked in press conferences though it is very hard to believe. I think a candidate should stand up for what they believe in like our past presidents like Lincoln and the Roosevelts.

  2. I am sorry, but I have seen her on too many occasions being an a**. I believe any sympathy she portrays is acting on her part.


  3. Come on. If she weren't cordial to her opponent and if she didn't alter her schedule after that officer died, she'd be viewed as an ice queen. She acts like this because it's to her benefit.

  4. Was that a 'statement from the heart' or something written by her speech writers?

  5. Kudos to Hillary

    As for Obamas wife.  Jeers all the way on her latest unpatrioitc remark.

  6. she is like the tin-man in wizard of oz looking for a heart...she has neart and no soul

  7. Surrounded with ice, perhaps.  How much of that final speech did she plagiarize from John Edwards?

  8. I think that Hillary has shown us she's a tough and competent person who also has a heart.  I think she'd make a fine president.

  9. She is way better than Obama but people like carismah.

  10. hahahah BULLSHIT

    HOILARY OLNY SHOWED HEART BECUAS EHTE ICE ***** SHE IS losing she is doing this  as a publicty stunt like her srying to cheat new hampshire  you may not see it but we see through the lies of holary

  11. yay having a heart is a good thing

    every human being should have it

    but i believe that to be president you have to be tough

    you have to be strong.

    Rome didn't become the Empire it was because they had a heart and was nice to everyone.

    We need someone who is going to protect our country and not back down.

    Clinton is too emotional.

  12. Showing her HUMAN side?  Try again.  She just playing to the audience, and the sad part is you're gullible enough to buy into it.  She'll say or do anything to get elected, and she's very good at putting on a good face and telling people what they want to hear.  Take a close look at her record and you'll see her performances in front of a crowd do not match up with her performance in government.  It's sickening to see so many people with their heads in the sand, thinking Hillary can do no wrong, Hillary has experience, Hillary can lead...when are you people going to wake up?  She ranks on top of the list for pork-barrel spending, she wants to take away your choice for health care (and don't insult my intelligence by saying she doesn't), she wants to rob from hard-working wealthy people and give handouts to lazy poor people, and NO ONE in Congress leans as far to the left as she does.  Can't wait to see Obama grind her into the ground YET AGAIN in Texas and Ohio...

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