
Like oxy, what other prescriptive drugs relax you and give you that "high" feeling?

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doing this for a summer thing.

what kind of other drugs give you the high feeling, is there specific ones or do they all fall under muscle relaxants?




  1. You are doing this for a summer thing?  What in the world are you thinking.  Why not just tell everyone in the world " Hay I want to get high on prescription drugs".  Now I have heard it all.

  2. "doing this for a summer thing"

    ---- a project or getting high off prescription drugs?

  3. Geez (& you mean ‘Prescription’ drugs) why don’t you go to the corner & ask your local drug pusher. As I always say   “If I relapse, & you get worse, I’ll see you in Detox”. Excuse-me, you’re obviously curious about such things & it’s a slippery slope. The “11th Step” is better & natural – meditation etc. _ as a way to relax, Natural High, no addiction or side-effects.

    (edit) maybe there’s a legitimate medical need – a crisis-time or something – it’s just that “Oxy” is heavy-duty stuff & notoriously addictive.  Ã¢Â€Â˜recreational’ use of such things can lead to a bad habit. If on other hand a doctor agrees, Valium or something for a serious condition / temporary use, that’s between you & him.

  4. xanax bars kinda give you that feeling

  5. Why not just stick to good old-fashioned marijuana?

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