
Likely sentence for an affray?

by  |  earlier

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a group of five 20year olds were on a night out and were arrested back in April and released on bail in the morning pending further enquiries. we were out as a group when two drunk guys began argueing with us and punched one of my friends for no reason. we then had a fight with these two guys in the middle of the street where a number of punches were exchanged by us and them. there were no serious injuries and no charges have been pressed by either group. we were caught on cctv as it was a public space and were all arrested moments later, however there were very few members of the public around at the time as it was very late. no complaints were made or no people have made the police aware that they felt threatened or scared in any way.

we have to go back to the police station on the 6th of september to find out the outcome of this. as we did not start the fight and the cctv shows us clearly trying to send these two guys on there way before he punched by friend will that help us? does anyone know from experience or work in this field that is aware of the likely outcome? any response is greatly appriciated. thanks




  1. "no charges pressed" doesn't mean anything.  Criminal cases, from summonses to felonies, are "pressed" or dropped by the prosecuting authority which has its own legit agenda in keeping streets "affray free" - it comes down to how much the DA cares.  I doubt the CCTV is as clear as you say but if I'm wromng then nothing will come out of it.  BTW there's more to a fight than who started it - if you could back away, then you weren't defending yoursleves.

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