
Liking someone from another religion?

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How would you feel if you liked someone from an other religion and you can't marry them bcz it's not allowed in your religion and if you don't want to change your religion either?




  1. My boyfriend is a different religon to me and its agianst his religon and mine to get marryed to someone with different beliefes, but if u fall in love with this person what can u both do, it was ment to be god put you both togeather. i know that its agianst your belifes to do it buh if your in love i would just get married but both of you stick to your own religons, if it works out it works out. everythink will fall into place if its ment to be.

  2. It is a problem quite a lot of people have to face up to and in the end their choice comes down to whether they feel having each other but being rejected by both families is going to be an acceptable swap. It also means that apart from their familes rejecting them they will lose the religion that is at the heart of the problem anyway.  Not a situation that i would want to be in personally.

  3. All I can say, is true love is rare. I don't think any religion, should be tell you who you can date. God made us a certain way. We all the same. If you loves someone enough, you can be with him/her and just respect the diffrences.

  4. I would say that religion and any other is wrong to me its just another form of oppression. To marry someone should always be about the qualities of the two people, their feelings and love. And not be based on on things like religion and race. Religion is no longer in any position to preach to others when so many of their own constantly commit incredible acts. Follow what you want, your free to make your own choices and not be manipulated by ones made by others

  5. That would definately suck, but you know...eventually you'd meet someone new and forget the other person.

    On the other hand if you're in love..then that's a diff. story.  

  6. Love will conquer all! If it was true love and felt like it could be a 'marriage made in heaven' there would be a way.Nothing should stand in the way of true love!

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