
Lil JOHNNY joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Guest33877  |  earlier

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Little Johnny walks into his parents bedroom and sees his Dad giving his Mother one. His Dad just laughs at him and throws a pillow at him and shouts "get out"!

A little while later Johnny's Dad heres a comotion coming from Johnny's room, he rushes in and is horrified to see him shag ging his Granny - Johnny just looks at him and says " not so fcuking funny when it's YOUR Mum is it?




  1. that was sooo bad! LMFAO!

  2. Gross!!!  But good!

  3. lmao hahahahahaha

  4. HAHAha I get it

  5. I get it but it ain't funny thumbs down :( soz x

  6. I've heard that joke a million times.

  7. lmao!

  8. haha wow....

  9. eww...

  10. LOL!

    old , but still makes me laugh

  11. that was a little funny.

    little johnny was just flowing his dad`s act.

  12. That was funny!

  13. lmao..

    love it..

    IVE never heard that before!..

    thats hillarious! :

    : )

  14. Oh my gosh. My sides hurt from laughing so hard!

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