
Lillian Sophia or Alexandra Sophie?

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My husband and I are expecting a baby girl and we can't agree on the name. The middle name will be Sophie or Sophia, after my husband's Aunt Sophie who recently passed away. We're down to:

Alexandra Sophie "Allie" (my pick)

Lillian Sophia "Lily" (husband's pick)

Keep in mind that we'd like our daughter's name to match with our three-year-old daughter's name, Clara Madeleine. Which name do you prefer?




  1. lily sophia but it depends on what your last name is

  2. i like your husbands pick better, cuz it's less common and cuter!  I think it goes well with the other name, but they're two different individuals! they're names shouldnt have to match

  3.   How about : [ you could use this name and cover all names]? Lillian Alex Sophia,you could use 2 middle names,these are to match your daughter's name you already have:Christina Marie? or Carmella Mae,Charity Miah? Its up to you, hope these helped!

  4. Personally, I prefer your choice of names - Alexandra Sophie!

    I can't stand the name Lillian even though I love the name Lily.

    Go figure.

    P.S. Clara Madeleine is a lovely combination by the way. Well done!

  5. Lily! I like Clara too.

    BTW, why is Lillian shortened to Lily with one "l"? I know that is the proper spelling, just don't know why...

  6. Alexandra Sophie...  classy, french-sounding name.  

  7. i like Alexandra Sophia actually it has a cute ring to it!  and i love the nick name Allie!

    i would actually do Lillian Sophie but i like Alexandra Sophia much better!

    but Lillian Sophie sounds cute with Clara Madeleine

    Lily & Clara

    you could do Lily as a first name and Lily Sophia is cute

  8. Lillian Sophia. or Lilliana Sophia

  9. i am a little biased. i love the name lilly its my nieces and my daughters middle name and lillian sophia is very pretty. well they both are

    *my niece and my daughter spell lilly with 2 l's*

  10. lillian sophia

  11. Lillian Sophia "Lily" (husband's pick)  

  12. i like Lilian better however they both have and old feel to them.

    i would suggest:

    Ava Sophie

    Lilah Sophie

    Alena Sophie

    Willow Sophia

    Bailey Sophia

    Aubrey Sophia

    Isabelle Sophia

    McKenna Sophie

  13. I like Lillian Sophia, it's something that sounds good when you're a kid, and when you become a professional. I'd go with your husband on this one :]

  14. Lillian Sophia sounds nicer in my opinion.

  15. Favorite: Lilian Sophia.

    Suggestion: Liliana Sophie.

  16. they are both such beautiful names, as is Clara Madeleine. it's a tough choice, but i guess i'll choose Alexandra Sophie. (maybe i am a little biased being that my name is Sandra)

  17. Lillian Sophia, because I really like the sound of  Clara and Lily

  18. Wow they both sound beautiful um i would go with Alexandra Sophie i think well what ever you pick would be very nice.

  19. First of all, I love your three-year-old daughter's name.  I would vouch for Lillian Sophia.

  20. If I were I a baby I would deffinatley do with Alexandra because its well u can shorten it to Alex but I wouldnt want my nick name to be Allie well between Allie and Lily, I like lily. I mean wen kids grow up people call them by nicknames and Sophie is better than Sophia

  21. Lily and Allie are such adorable names. I can't decide. Hmm. Probably Alexandra Sophie, just because if she has to use the long form for something she'd probably rather Alexandra over Lillian which is kind of old fashioned. Hover i love the name Lily so much!  

  22. lilian/ cuz it has a kute nikname ! LILY

  23. of these two i pick

    lillian sophia lily is a cute nick name! good luck.

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