
Lima to Cusco travel costs?

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I'm wondering if it's better to buy a package from a travel agent in Lima to travel from Lima to Cusco and go to Machu Picchu.

Does anyone know the average airfare from Lima to Cusco, a night's hotel stay and the cost of the train ticket from Cusco to MP?

Is it better to purchase these on my own or buy a package?




  1. Other writer covered your cost questions well, here are a few other things to consider.

    Due to the change in altitude (Lima=sea level Cuzco= 11,400+) You may want to plan a couple of days in Cuzco area to get acclimated.  Also, if time allows, a stay in Aguas Calientes (the city at the base of Macchu Picchu) is really fun. Most travellers come for a RT on the train and dash up to the ruins, rush through the visit, catch the train out and miss the flavor of the local town.  It is used primarily by those that hike the Incan trail so there are lots of interesting types around, and the prices are great.  One word of caution though... unless things have changed, there is no way to get cash once you are in town.  There are no banks or ATMs.  That said, you can pay with credit cards at most of the hotels/hostels/restaurants etc. and the locals are wonderful.

    A package will be 'easier' to obtain all the independent parts of your plan, but a little internet time can save you $$, give you more options, avoid the (often mandatory) built in tourist stops used by travel services, and get you more close to the locals.

    Have a great time... MP is a fantastic site.

  2. Costs for airfare to Cuzco are up recently as the high season is about to start. Current check in LAN gives a return airfare Lima- Cuzco of 334 US dollars that's 150 US more than just a amonth ago. (enclosing the web page from

    The other airline operator in that circuit, TACA, is much cheaper, shwing a 127.33 airfare for the same flight (enclosed web page obtained from

    The rail ticket will put you bac US$ 96 for the cheapest fare (backpacker fare). Unluckily the only operator of the train is Peru Rail, so can't find cheaper options (enclosing web page).

    If you travel direclty through TACA to Cuzco from the US, you might get a better deal. As an example, a TACA fare from Miami to Lima is US$560.68, but a TACA airfare from Miami to Cuzco is US$679.06 which would be US$118.38 for the Lima Cuzco fare vs. the listed stand alone Lima-Cuzco fare of US$127.33.

    Hope this helps.

  3. If I remember correctly, there are local ATM's in Agues Caliente.

    A hostel in Cusco can run from $10 a night on up.  Check out the enclosed link.

    Take time when you are in Cusco and the surroundings.  The altitude can be killer, and you will not enjoy yourself as much if you are rushing AND dealing with altitude sickness.

    There are many hostels in Agues Caliente and in Cusco.

    I never paid for anything in advance, besides the round trip ticket to Cusco.

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