
Limewire... do prosecutors have a case if...

by Guest58462  |  earlier

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If I download a huge number of songs on limewire. Close to 2,000, dont share them, and delete them very shortly afterward, would prosecutors still have a case.




  1. when you download the files, even though you deleted them, im pretty sure they can trace the downloads back to your computer, especially because of how many files you downloaded.  

  2. the only way to get rid of anything off a computer is to erase your harddrive or get a new one...but if there is a pending case against you messing with it will be tampering with evidence...i believe

  3. Yes, but under UK law there's a defence of where it was (i.e. in music and film) obtained illegally for "evaluation purposes" ... other than that I don't think so

    I shall not condone it or condemn it suffice to say those who knowingly use it illegally should know they are at risk of prosecution.

    The fact that you downloaded them in the first place is a crime I am to believe if the RIAA/BPI ppl are to go by ... but I only ever hear the term "filesharer" and this is not legall defined - its harder for them to catch you if you don't share - unless you bite their bate which their servers upload ... basically hover over the file of selection and ensure it has the length - as I've found that viruses are contained in those that say "bitrate 92" and WMA tracks - mp3 only ;)

    Just be careful also because I'm not sure on US law but in recent weeks UK ISPs have sucked up to the BPI (records indusry of the UK as it were) and the UK gov't saying it'll cut customers off if they breach copyright law.

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