
Limewire help please?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i got this bad song on limewire but it wont let me delete it it says : this file cannot be deleted they may be in use in anoither appication or are being download to..........HELP HOW DO I DELET IT?




  1. I've had this happen a couple of times. Here's how I do it.

    1. open Limewire

    2. click on the library tab

    3. on the left click the audio folder

    4. scroll down until you see that file

    5. right click it and choose: Rename

    6. erase all the letters that are there and just type in some random letters.

    7. Hit enter.

    8. Right click it again and choose delete.

    It should delete it as this always works for me!!!!  Hope this helps!!!

  2. close limewire down completely,open it back up,go straight 2 that song,and it will let u delete it,if that don`t work,reboot then start limewire,and it will let u delete it then

  3. Download LIFE TIME FREE !!! Norton Security scan and Spyware doctor and sacn your computer with that

    after running the scan try to delete the file(s)

  4. go off line ~then try to delete

    make a new folder ~put song in folder then delete folder.

    both the above usually send rogue files to the trash.

    hope this helps

    for music try"piolet" a music only site.
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