
Limewire question ok i had over 2000 songs and in the options thing i hit restore defeult and it deleted?

by  |  earlier

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everything i had music music videos is there any way to get them back




  1. go to windows media player and search ur c drive or whatever drive u had the music in and if there still there they'll come up

  2. The files should still be there...I think all you've done is delete your library. Its easy to recover it again.

    See forum post:

    I highly recommend Recuva or Undelete Plus for all your file restoration needs.


    Try to recover your songs. Hope you can.

    To prevent this from happening again, this is what you should do.

    Make a directory on your d drive and call it for example

    d:/Limewire Music. Then you go to limewire options and change also there the download directory to d:/Limewire Music

    From now on limewidre will copy all new downloads to that new directory.

    In case you find your songs back, copy them all to d:/lLimewire Music

    Now yourf songs are safe in case you have to uninstall limewirre or when you have to format your pc.

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