
Limewire search help?!?

by  |  earlier

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Okay I just downloaded Limewire Pro and had an issue getting a stable connection, I finally fixed it but now when I use the Limewire Search I get no results!

I've had Limewire Pro before and it worked fine. So I don't get why it doesn't work now, I would love some help!




  1. Try uninstalling it and re-installing it. It worked for me.  

  2. have you allowed it to get past your firewall?

  3. different port maybe?...ask google lol

  4. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo donnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnt use limewire full of virus ad and spyware

    give me thumbs down if you want but it seriously messed my pc so i learned from my mistakes i have had no problems since i removed it and the same with 2 of my mates but ur choice just an oppinion

  5. This sounds stupid, but is it connected? Sometimes mine doesn't automatically connect and you have to do it yourself.

    Sorry if that isn't the issue... :P

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