
Limited immunity in the Casey Anthony Case means?

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Can she still get the death sentence or will that be one of the exclusions with the "limited immunity"? what gets truly excluded with this in her case?




  1. it doesn't matter its highly unlikely that Casey is suddenly going to have an attack of conscience and start telling the truth.

    as i have stated before Casey Anthony and the truth are strangers.

    this girls whole life is a lie.she is not mentally ill or crazy.she is evil in its worst form,disguised as a mother.she cannot even pretend to love or care about this child.its all about her.if she starts showing emotion or crying it  will only be for herself and thinking of what is going to happen to her.

    Casey has never cared for any one but her lying, corrupt,boring self.

    girls who sleep around are a dime a dozen there is nothing special about this ho.

    there is enough evidence to convict her already for first degree pre meditated murder.she will the get the death penalty and be executed whether there is a body to bury or not and rightly so.

    now who else will be sitting in jail with her for trying to conceal or destroy evidence related to this murder.or with holding information in a criminal investigation,that is also a crime.

    if Casey has told any one other than her lawyer they can be charged with obstruction of justice for not telling the police every thing they know.

    i still feel mom and dad should be arrested also ,for destroying evidence.i think they both knew exactly what they were doing.playing dumb doesnt get it,i dont buy it!neither should the cops or the FBI

    i hope this circus ends soon and the babys body is found.

    i fear there isnt much left to find but i hope there is enough for a 100% conviction of her lying, trashy, murdering mother!  

  2. Any direct statements she makes to investigators could not be used to prosecute her. Evidence generated from her information, however, would be fair game.

  3. Limited immunity means limited to the particular conversation (that her own words cannot be used against her), so most likely Casey and her attorney will say "NO WAY".  The state can still prosecute her for any number of offenses.  I would say that should she take the immunity deal, however, and bring closure for her family and the nation, it might just show some 'feelings' on Casey's part and possibly move a jury to NOT give her the death penalty should a murder charge evolve and should the case be tried as such.  It has been said by investigators that they have much more evidence than they are sharing with the public, so I think it is time Casey got very serious about this whole thing and made up her mind to be truthful; despite losing friends (which she does not deserve, anyhow), and possibly family members. To answer the question at hand, limited immunity is really little of anything to save her.  It's like being offered a life jacket when you will be floating in shark filled waters for 2 months.

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