
Linear equation..............?

by Guest32988  |  earlier

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1.(a) x+2=7

(b) y+4=6

(c) m+5=8




  1. x = 5; y = 2 and m = 3. Did you want to do something else with these equations?.

  2. Each of these equations has a single unique solution: x = 5, y = 2, m = 3

    This is not a linear equation.  But, depending on what you're trying to do, perhaps the question is actually to find the equation of a line in standard form, y = m*x+b, where the solution to (a) and (b) give a point on the line, and (c) gives the slope.  I am reaching here, but given the title of the question, that is the only reasonable explanation I can come up with.

    If so, we would get y = 3x + b

    Plugging in x=5 AND y=2 (the reaching part) gives:

    2 = 15 + b, gives b = -13

    so the line y = 3*x - 13 has slope (m = 3), and contains the point x = 5 and y = 2.

    So the linear equation sort-of implied by your givens (and a missing set of details about the question) is: y = 3x - 13

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