
Linear-pull <span title="levers????????????????????????????">levers???????????????????...</span>

by  |  earlier

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Hey, I want to run Avid BB7s on my new bike I'm building up but I don't know much about linear-pull levers because I've been running hydros since i left the BMX game. So far all I've heard is AMAZING things about Avids 'Speed Dial' line. I'm the kinda person that will fork up a $hitload of cash for a good product (liek my Hope Mono6 lol YIKES!) so any suggestions? Any BMXers out there that recommend BMX levers or anything? I just want to see what my options r before I put out $250 for the Avid SD Ultimate lol PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!




  1. Linear pull levers will be fine for mechanical discs.

  2. I&#039;ve never used the Speel Dial levers.  I have used Cane Creek Direct Curve levers.  They work well, are very light, and inexpensive.

    Good luck.

    Hope this helps.

  3. I can not tolerate Avids sloppy construction of their lower end v brakes,but the low end levers are good.

    My 2.0 speed dial levers are awesome.[I&#039;ll never sell them,had them over ten years now]

    The Avid Speed Dial Ultimate lever is in the class of the Elite shopper indeed.Sealed bearings,nice.

    Worth every damned penny.

    I have never seen a used  pair of those levers for sale in my area ever.Only a fool would sell them.

    I hope my mere opinion can help you in some way

    p.s. If you like bmx style levers try out Paul&#039;s Love levers

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