
Link Between Gifted Parent And Child?

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Our 4.5 year old son shows some of the signs of being "gifted and talented" in school and fits many of the profiles I have read but not all. He is always pushing boundaries and testing limits at pre-school and these behavioral items are what they tend to focus on. While my son and I are different in many ways, we are are also very similar in others, particularly when it comes to being competitive, self-critical, leary of blind devotion to authority, etc. I was deemed to be G&T when I was in school and am naturally inclined to believe our son is as well. Is there a strong link between parent and child when it comes to this? My concern is that the school is focused on a symptom of behavior but not the root cause. Thoughts or ideas?




  1. don't know about a link but I'm sure they will test your child in kindergarten.    My friends son is "gifted" and neither of his parents are (at all :)

  2. I have been doing a lot of reading around G&T recently. Experiencing similar with my seven year old son. I have read several articles that mention a link between parents and children, both being gifted. It does make sense! In terms of behaviour I am inclined to believe that very bright children can be just as draining to deal with as children with learning disabilities. I have worked with special needs kids and I can assure you that my son demands more attention and time than any special needs child. Try to get an assessment for your son, beware of labels and most of all equip yourself with as much info as you can. Children who are gifted, but overlooked and not helped to develop invariably end up with some behavioural/emotional problems through boredom and frustration or lack self esteem because their talents are not recognised.  Good luck!!

  3. 1 of our children has an IQ above 150 which is very high. One parent also has a very high IQ and one has an above average IQ. As for the behavioral issues, I do not believe testing limits, etc... are symptoms of giftedness. I believe that they are just personality traits or the child has been allowed to behave a certain way. I too have read several books and articles on the behaviors of gifted and extremely bright children and have always frowned upon using the "excuse" that a child is a certain way or that you should allow a child to behave a certain way based on a label. My daughter is expected to respect others and treat her teachers and peers kindly regardless of her intelligence. She does attend a gifted class once a week which is great for challenging her, but other than that, she is in a regular class with children of all abilities. Please be very careful with labels- even ones you think may be beneficial could end up harming him.

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