
Link Building: Where to find others who are interested?

by Guest32567  |  earlier

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I've been through the Internet, looked at others link pages for new contacts, signed up with LinkAlizer but they don't generate very good leads. I've posted on several link trading forums and I've received responses but they want to do everything through PMs and they don't want to give me their email address. I prefer to work with people only through email as I find I get a better quality of traders that way. I'm leary of people who won't give me their email address fo a link trade transaction. Plus, it's easier for me to stay organized when everything is done through email. I also like building professional relationships with the people I work with. SO, all of that said, does anyone know of any good email groups or other methods of contacting people for link trades? I have a great list of traders but I would like to add more to it and include some SEO firms as well. I'm trying to think outside the box :-) Thanks for any advice you can offer.





  1. I've found that a Google search is generally the easiest and fastest way to find links of any kind.

    A search for "mytopic link submit" or "mytopic add url" will generaly give you tons of results.

    If you supplement that by searching in groups of 100 on a results page and use SEOQuake (a Firefox extension - if you're not using Firefox - get it !!!) you can then click a button to order the 100 results by PageRank (or backlink counts, or page counts - whatever).  It's a very kewl extension for Firefox regardless of this use so if you don't have it yet - it's highly recommended).

  2. Hi,

    There are many ways to market a small business on the web.  You can buy banner ads, text links, or use PPC.  However, the best way is to get listed in a bunch of portals. Portals and directories are like phone books, and they often provide a lot of traffic because they tend to rank high on Google.

    This portal is giving away a free business card holder for lising your business (I got mine a few days ago in the mail).  If you want to know about some other portals, just let me know.


    Best of Luck

  3. Link exchange programs don't necessarily help bots crawl to your site faster by virtue of having your site listed on "" pages.  Some crawlers are trained to ignore those sites, and are often "disconnected" from your tradees websites.  That is, there is no link on their main page to their "links" page, which makes it hard for bots to crawl in the first place!  The only benefit that I've experienced in using those types of exchange programs is when someone searched for something, a related link and description was on one of the exchangee's links page, and they clicked thru to my site.  

    Getting hard links is one way to go, which it sounds like you were on the track to doing.  If you visit public forums, blogs, etc, you can put a link in your signature, profile, comments, etc.  If you have more than one site, you can also put links in discreet locations on your main page so crawlers can follow it.  

    You can also submit your site to for a free hard link and other DIY SEO tips.  Hope this helps!

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