
Linkin Park Concert/MOSHING help!!!?

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Ok well i have tickets to linkin park in the mosh pit. The concert is at the center or the Smirnoff center (same thing) in Dallas. I really like LP but hate mosh pits. There are signs in this center where the concert is that say "no moshing" however, my sister just went to the vans warped tour and said that there was moshing. I am wondering if there will be moshing and if so, how bad, under these circumstances. Thanks in advance.




  1. yes there will be.

    signs don't matter, people will always mosh, even to linkin park.

  2. yeh i spose ther will probly be a few mosh circles there , but when one opens up just move along dude its only linkin park man not slayer or nuthin itl b fine

  3. you dont have to join the mosh pit. i went to an escape the fate concert and most of the moshing was a few rows from the very front. so its safe to be in first 3 rows.

  4. Just try and move away from the mosh pit when the concert starts if there is moshing.

  5. tbh bad im thinking about going to av7x but not sure because of the moshing.

  6. most everyband there will be moshing but i think LP is more jumping up and down then moshing. You should have went last year cause the lineup was way better.

  7. i wouldnt worry too much about it.. usually you wont get forced into the mosh if you dont want to be.  and there shouldnt be a big pit anyway.  I've never been to an lp concert but i have been to warped many times and ive never had any problems with it.  plus if you stay a little further back from the stage you should be just fine :)

  8. well in concerts moshing can happen anywhere so ur not really safe at all in a concert and take a mouth piece i always do u dnt want to get your teeth messed up

  9. AHAHA.

    you're in the PIT.

    We call it a mosh pit for a REASON dude.

    Try and get differentl tickets, and if not, just move away from the pit.

    Its not like you're going to be glued one spot for the whole show or anything.

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