
Lionhead Rabbits???

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Is it healthy for a lionhead bunny to eat alot. He just started doing that today but he's been eating non-stop. Ohhh and if anyone can give me any additional info on them would be nice also ...Thanks!!!





    Hi. umm...i dont know much about LIONHEADS but all rabbits are suposed to eat non stop...If something is wrong with him then his bussnies will not be small hard circles that are apart..

  2. lionheads,huh?hmmm.....

    i may know something about most rabbits(but i can say ALL rabbits),lionheads eat alot.they need something to chew on everyday.hay is the most important part of the meal.this keeps their teeth in balalnce for better chewing.

    followed by hay,the second most important meal is the pellets which must be taken everyday but not everytime.hay is the only meal taken every time.every hour.every minute.

    the third and last important nutrition,is the vegies and fruits given only at a limited basis per day.some vegetables and fruits are not helathy for rabbits.remember:rabbits have a very unique digestive system and so they can be very picky when it comes to meals on greens.iceberg lettuce,by the way,kills rabbits as well as cabbege.

    p.s:here's some pretty good links i'm using on rabbits info.hope they help you!:


    i hope they help you!

  3. Lionhead rabbits are no different than any other rabbit. Rabbits eat constantly, the true question is WHAT he/she is eatting constantly. The rabbit should constantly be eatting hay (alfalfa is under a year old, timothy over a year). Its veggies/pellets that you need to moniter what they eat. Specially pellets
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