
Lip Piercings? Going to get One, and need help! Thanks.?

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Okay i want to get a lip piercing. I know that it's going to hurt alot, or at least i've heard it will, but i still hav questions....

1) before the piercing would it help to drink vodka so you'll numb the pain more? i dont know i was just wondering...

2) will it be swollen the next day?

3) will it get all scabby?

thank you soooo much!





  1. 1. Do not drink before you get a piercing. Bad idea. The pain isn't that bad. It lasts 1/2 a second. And the rest of the soreness is more like a few hours later, but still nothing unbearable at all. I really didn't even notice unless I thought about it.

    2. It will be swollen. It won't be super noticeable though. I mean, you will notice and if you tell someone and they look close, it's obvioius. But no one's going to be like "Jesus! What's wrong with your lip?!"

    3. Scabby? Not really. It will sort of stick though. I had a hoop and I liked to get it wet and rotate it, because I hated it sticking and not being moveable. That's only a temporary thing too. It's not like noticeably scabby though.

  2. 1) Don't drink at all; a professional piercer won't pierce you if intoxicated, but don't drink before anyway. It doesn't hurt that much, it's a pinch and it just gets warm.

    2)It will be swollen for almost 5 days or maybe longer.

    3)It won't scab, but it will leak sebum for a while during the healing process, keep it clean.

  3. Don't drink vodka before hand-if you can't handle the pain of a percing then don't get it done. A lip piercing isn't too painful anyway-more of a pinch and a pull. Hurt about the same as having my ears done actually. Piercings are different for different people in regards to pain and most decent piercers won't do piercings on someone who has been drinking.

    Mine aws swollen (but not excessively so) for about 3 days, but didn't scab at all.

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