
Lip piercing help???

by  |  earlier

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heyy =]

well i got my lip pierced yesturday

and i dont want it to get infected..

its swollen.. now but i was

wondering if im doing things right..

i brush my teeth lots.

after i eat i brush em..

and use scope..

and i've also used salt water.




  1. ...

  2. Wash it with dial soap!!

  3. I recommend Bactine to everyone who has piercings....i have had tons and is has never failed me, even when my piercing did get really infected.  Bactine is found at walmart in the antiseptic isle, it's in a white bottle with a green top.  It works wonders really, i have used salt water too but Bactine seems to just work better for me.  Just make sure your not allergic to any of the ingredients and you don't over use it ...3 times a day at the most and at least twice a day...morning and night....and if you do it a third time do it in the afternoon, make sure to get both sides of your lip and slide the piercing in and out to get the Bactine inside of your hole...its also great because it numbs also.

    and make sure your hands are clean when you clean your piercing,  that is very important, and mouthwash is a good idea too...the swelling will go down in about a always helped me to chew on some ice, and if its a painful swelling, maybe because it might get really fat, try ibprofen,

  4. um just go swimming pool water helps peirceing's

  5. Sounds good to me,it may be swollen because of where it is and normally if you get hurt somewhere it swells up.

  6. why did u peirce ur lip thats just gross

  7. This is normal after your lips are pierced.

    If it lasts more than 2 weeks, call your doctor.

  8. yea. but be careful when brushing ur teeth. Make sure not to touch it to much

  9. You are doing well.  Use Listerine instead of scope.  It's more effective at keeping it clean.  You also should be cleaning the outside of the piercing with rubbing alcohol (use a q-tip) twice daily.  It will be swollen for another day or so, probably, but it's nothing to worry about.  

    Also, don't forget to rotate the ring once a day so that the skin doesn't heal onto the hoop.
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