
Lip piercing stretching?

by  |  earlier

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I bought a 14g lip ring and I really want to wear it, but my lip piercing is a 16g so it won't go through.

I've tried to push it through gently, but it doesn't work.

Is there any other way I can stretch my lip piercing a little?

(I've had my lip pierced for 10 months)




  1. I can't think of any way to stretch it out, it might be dangerous.  I would just buy a lip ring that fits your piercing.  Plus once you stretch it you can't change it back, remember!

    good luckk x


  2. it should just go through easily since you've had it done for 10 months

    by now it should have stretched a little.

  3. buy the smallest taper u can find... u know the stretchers for when u wanna tunnel your ears.  and then just stretch your lip a little bit with it.

    if that sounds a bit drastic, just get the new lip ring and cover it with vaseline, be patient and just keep twisting it in with a little bit of force. should go through eventually

  4. buy a 14g taper.  You can use anti bacterial soap as the lube then you just follow through with the 14g lip ring.

    i don't suggest stretching without a taper..

    but you could use plumbers tape instead. it's also called PTFE tape and thread seal tape.  You can buy it at your local hardware store located in the plumbing section!

    every other day just add a layer or two and you'll be at 14g in no time.

    but if you're super lazy and really really want to get it done fast..

    then just lube up your lip ring and try to push it through.

  5. you can always go back to your piercer and ask them to put it in. They'll use a taper (so you don't have to buy one) and will be able to answer any questions you might have. At this small of a gauge the tapering will likely be very gradual and shouldn't hurt besides maybe a sting.

    Make sure you leave in the new lip ring for a while though! freshly stretched piercings need time to heal.  

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