
Lip rings, infected? advice from experience...?

by  |  earlier

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I peirced it myself with a safety pin and left the safety pin all night.

that was one week ago. the next day i gaged it so a ring could fit.

now its swollen around the peircing spot, and yucky green/yellow STICKY puss keeps coming out. and its crusty which is normal (I had another lip peircing before) . I've been told it looks infected.

and to clean with salt+water. what should I do? and I dont wanna take it out.




  1. Maybe ONE is enough....take it out, put some neosporin ointment on it...and be done with it.

  2. I never had a lip ring but i have had other peircing that were infected. buy this stuff called PRID. Its nasty I looks like earwax. But it works!!! Just put a lil' bit on the infected site. before you go to bed w/in days it will be better. I promise! This stuff works wonders. I have used it on several of my peicings and I never have had a problem since. Good Luck. Next time dont do it your self.. You can get sick..  

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